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To consider whether applications be determined under delegated powers or by the Planning Committee pdf icon PDF 188 KB


(i)          22/00564/F:  2 South Beach Road, Hunstanton:  Proposed access for 2 South Beach Road to be relocated and not shared with 2a South Beach Road


AGREED:        That the application be dealt with in accordance with the Planning Scheme of Delegation.


(ii)        21/021431/F:  High Barn, Burnham Road, Stanhoe:  Partial demolition of existing dwelling and construction of new dwelling


AGREED:       That the application be referred to the Planning Committee for determination.


(iii)      21/02417/F:  Gambles Shop, School Road, St John’s Fen End, Terrington St John:  Proposed extension and internal alterations to commercial shop and residential unit


AGREED:       That the application be referred to the Planning Committee for determination.


(iv)    22/00807/CU:  The Landings, 51 Castle Rising Road, South Wootton:  Change of use of existing swimming pool from private use to use by other persons outside of the household to be able to use the facility


AGREED:       That the application be dealt with in accordance with the Planning Scheme of Delegation.


(v)        21/01823/F:  Vacant chip shop, Alma Road, Snettisham:  Demolition of chip shop and construction of a pair of semi-detached dwellings:


AGREED:      That the application be dealt with in accordance with the Planning Scheme of Delegation.


(vi)      21/02483/F:  Cley Cottage, The Marsh, Walpole Marsh:  Retrospective planning application for partially constructed side porch, raised patio, detached garage, new access and change of use of a small part of the existing agricultural grassland, to host the proposed garage


AGREED:      That the application bedealt with in accordance with the Planning Scheme of Delegation.


(vii)    22/00588/F:  VM Morrisons, The Peel Centre, Elm High Road, Emneth:  WeBuyAnyCar.com car collection point pod


AGREED:     That the application be dealt with in accordance with the Planning Scheme of Delegation.


(viii)  21/02421/FM:  Land east of Thieves Bridge Road, Watlington:  Proposed development of 40 dwellings and associated external works and access


AGREED:       That the application be referred to the Planning Committee for determination.