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Contact: Kathy Wagg
No. | Item |
Declaration of interest Minutes: Councillor Spikings declared a non pecuniary interest in application 7) 21/01352/F and did not participate in the discussion on the item.
To consider whether applications be determined under delegated powers or by the Planning Committee Minutes: 1) 21/01111/F 71 Ryston Road, Denver
Construction of two dwellings and garages following demolition of existing dwelling
AGREED: That the application be dealt with in accordance with the Planning Scheme of Delegation.
2) 21/01045/F
1 Lakelands, Hockwold Cum Wilton
New vehicular access to dwelling and 1m boundary wall
AGREED: That the application be dealt with in accordance with the Planning Scheme of Delegation.
3) 20/00737/F
Builders Yard, Thornham Road, Holme New dwelling following change of use of builders yard.
AGREED: That the application be referred to the Planning Committee for determination.
4) 21/00173/F Gurneys Fish Box, Drove Orchards, Thornham Rd, Holme Extension to retail unit, storage and WCs including parking and drainage AGREED: That the application be dealt with in accordance with the Planning Scheme of Delegation.
5) 21/00434/F Twelve Acre Farm, Moor Drove, Hockwold cum Wilton Retrospective change of use of land for siting of 8 storage containers AGREED: That the application be referred to the Planning Committee for determination.
6) 21/00772/F The Green Man, 1 Whiteplot Rd, Methwold Hythe Proposed extension to form enlarged restaurant to ground floor and additional living accommodation to first and second floors with various associated alterations
AGREED: That the application be dealt with in accordance with the Planning Scheme of Delegation.
7) 21/01352/F Vine cottage 49 Main Road Holme Next The Sea Variation of condition 2 & 3 of planning permission 17/00465/F to change of drawings and materials AGREED: That the application be dealt with in accordance with the Planning Scheme of Delegation.
8) 20/02015/RM Kairouan Back Lane Pentney Reserved matters application for construction of 3 dwelling houses following demolition of existing dwelling and siting of static caravan for duration of works AGREED: That the application be referred to the Planning Committee for determination.
9) 21/00547/F New Road, Upwell Proposed agricultural/Equestrian store for machinery/tractors/bedding/feed AGREED: That the application be referred to the Planning Committee for determination.