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Contact: Kathy Wagg 

No. Item


To consider whether applications be determined under delegated powers or by the Planning Committee


i)              20/01382/F


East of The Limes, 8 Church Lane, South Wootton – Application for new dwelling


Agreed:          That the application be determined under the planning scheme of delegation.




ii)            20/01470/F


West of The Limes, 8 Church Lane, South Wootton

Application for new dwelling


Agreed:          That the application be determined under the planning scheme of delegation.



iii)           20/01776/F


51 Chapel Road, Terrington St Clement

Application for new dwelling


Agreed:          Defer to wait for the comments of the Parish Council.



iv)           20/01222/F


West Holme Nursery, 65 Station Road, Walpole Cross Keys

Proposed storage unit extension


Agreed:          That the application be referred to the Planning Committee for determination.



v)            20/01531/F


Boal Quay Car Park, King’s Lynn


Renewal of planning permission for pay and display car park


Agreed:          That the application be determined under the planning scheme of delegation.



vi)           20/00643/F


Bunessan Herrings Lane Burnham Market


Demolition of existing house and rebuilding with new garage/ art studio


Agreed:          That the application be referred to the Planning Committee for determination.


vii)         20/00366/FM


Twelve Acre Farm, Moor Drove, Hockwold


Retrospective application for use of land for an equine care / livery business. Retrospective application for mobile home / temporary accommodation. Retrospective application for ancillary building housing customer w.c.s, office and tack room respectively.


Agreed:          That the application be referred to the Planning Committee for determination.


viii)        20/01467/F


The Green Man, Methwold Hythe


Proposed retrospective siting of temporary caravan (for use in conjunction with building works)


Agreed:          That the application be determined under the planning scheme of delegation.