
Proposed venue: Meeting Room 2-2, King's Court, Chapel Street, King's Lynn

No. Item


To consider whether applications be determined under delegated powers or by the Planning Committee


(i)         19/00941/O

            Outline planning application for 5 building plots at Oak and Ash, Market Lane, Walpole St Andrew


AGREED:        That, the application be dealt with in accordance with the Planning Scheme of Delegation.


(ii)        19/01309/F

            Change of use from temporary residential annex into permanent annex including associated alterations at Cashelbawn, Mill Road, West Walton


AGREED:       That, the application be determined by the Planning Committee.


(iii)       19/01256/F

            Variation of approved plans (19/00374/F) with the addition of two high-level roof-lights at Manor Lodge, Little Massingham


AGREED:       That, the application be dealt with under the Planning Scheme of Delegation.


(iv)      19/00860/F

            Infill terraced dwelling at 9 York Avenue, Hunstanton


AGREED:       That, the application be determined by the Planning Committee.


(v)       19/00774/F

            Construction of Meeting Hall at Edmund De Moundeford School, The Beck, Feltwell


AGREED:       That, the application be determined by the Planning Committee.


(vi)      19/00432/F

            Construction of new dwelling for essential rural worker (gamekeeper) at Land at Hall Farm, Boughton Long Road, Barton Bendish


AGREED:       That, the application be dealt with under the Planning Scheme of Delegation.


(vii)     19/00859/FM

            Erection of 18 dwellings with associated garages and highway works at land at or south of 6-10 Lodge Road, Feltwell


AGREED:       That the item be deferred.


(viii)    19/00830/FM

            Change of use of agricultural land to keeping of horses and change of use of existing agricultural building to keeping of horse paraphernalia at land off A149, Lynn Road, Heacham


AGREED:       That the application be dealt with under the Planning Scheme of Delegation.





 (ix)     19/00791/F

            Relocation of play equipment and installation of static caravans to vacated space at Pine Cones Caravan and Camping, Dersingham Bypass


AGREED:       That the application be dealt with under the Planning Scheme of Delegation.


(x)       19/01281/O

            Outline Application: Demolition of garage and construction of single dwelling at Robinia Cottage Station Road Docking King's Lynn Norfolk PE31 8LS


AGREED:       That the application be dealt with under the Planning Scheme of Delegation.