
Proposed venue: Meeting Room 2-1 - Second Floor, King's Court, Chapel Street, King's Lynn. View directions

Contact: Kathy Wagg 

No. Item


To consider whether applications be determined under delegated powers or by the Planning Committee


(i)         19/00100/F

            Denver:  Denver Store & Post Office, 9 - 11 Downham Road, Denver, Downham Market:  Canopy/shutter (retrospective)


AGREED:       That the application be determined by the Planning Committee.


(ii)       19/01267/O

            Walsoken:  Land Adjacent 16 Rowan Close Wisbech:  Outline Application with All Matters Reserved - construction of single detached dwelling


AGREED:       That authority be delegated to Fenland District Council to determine the application.


(iii)       19/01221/F

            Walsoken:  Land east of the The Old Police House, Lynn Road:  Proposed new dwelling


AGREED:       That the application be determined by the Planning Committee.