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Contact: Kathy Wagg 

No. Item


To consider whether applications be determined under delegated powers or by the Planning Committee


(i)            23/00079/F – Land Rear of Burnsall, Squires Drove, Three Holes: Demolition of barn and erection of dwelling


The application was removed from the agenda.


(ii)          23/00342/F – Barns and Land at Rosalie Farm, Lynn Road, Walsoken: Conversion and link extension of barns to create 1 dwelling


AGREED: That the application be referred to the Planning Committee for determination.


(iii)         23/00681/F – Porcherie, 4A Hall Close, Heacham: Construction of a dwelling


AGREED: That the application be referred to the Planning Committee for determination.


(iv)         23/01104/F – Little Massingham Manor, Little Massingham: Retrospective Barn


AGREED: That the application be referred to the Planning Committee for determination.


(v)          23/00968/F – Care Centre, Edward Benefer Way: Variation of Committee imposed cycle parking


AGREED: That the application be referred to the Planning Committee for determination.


(vi)         23/00268/O – Land E of 55 to 65 Nursery Lane, South Wootton: Outline Consent for 4 dwellings


AGREED: That the application be dealt with in accordance with the Planning Scheme of Delegation.


(vii)        23/01092/F – Coach and Horses, Dersingham: VARIATION OF CONDITION 2 AND 7 OF PLANNING APPLICATION 22/02030/F: Two storey rear extension, alterations and refurbishment of Public House following partial demolition


AGREED: That the application be dealt with in accordance with the Planning Scheme of Delegation.


(viii)      23/00389/RM – Longridge, 37 Elm High Road, Emneth: Application for reserved matters for 4 dwellings


AGREED: That the application be dealt with in accordance with the Planning Scheme of Delegation.


(ix)         22/01498/O – Ananda 63 Station Road, Watlington: Outline Application: New dwelling


AGREED: That the application be referred to the Planning Committee for determination.