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No. Item


To consider whether applications be determined under delegated powers or by the Planning Committee


(i)            22/00781/FM – White Barn Farm, Silt Road, Nordelph: Erection of a commercial B2 General industrial building


The Chairman, Councillor Mrs Spikings, declared a non-pecuniary interest and did not take part in the discussion on this item.


AGREED: That the application be dealt with in accordance with the Planning Scheme of Delegation.


(ii)          22/01804/F – Waterside Bar, Beach Terrace Road, Hunstanton: Proposed roof terrace to existing bar


AGREED: That the application be referred to the Planning Committee for determination.


(iii)         22/01864/F – The Smithy, Main Road, Brancaster Staithe: VARIATION OF CONDITION 1 OF PLANNING PERMISSION 20/00283/F: Variation of conditions 1 and 6 and removal of condition 5 of planning permission 18/01796/F: VARIATION OF CONDITION 3: of planning permission 17/00984/F -  Proposed change of use from ground floor retail (A1) and first floor residential (C3) to two storey restaurant (A3) including extension and alterations


AGREED: That the application be dealt with in accordance with the Planning Scheme of Delegation.


(iv)         22/02001/F – The Old Piggery, March Riverside, Upwell: Proposed landing stage, rear extension, side extension and attached car port to front


The Chairman, Councillor Mrs Spikings, declared a non-pecuniary interest and did not take part in the discussion on this item.


AGREED: That the application be dealt with in accordance with the Planning Scheme of Delegation.