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Contact: Kathy Wagg 

No. Item


To consider whether applications be determined under delegated powers or by the Planning Committee pdf icon PDF 88 KB


1)         21/02380/F

64 Church Close, Grimston

Proposed dwelling following sub-division of plot


AGREED:  That the application be determined in accordance with the Planning Scheme of Delegation.



2)         21/02308/RMM

Land W of Tikka Chef, Isle Road, Outwell

Reserved matters – Erection of 50 houses


AGREED:  That the application be determined in accordance with the Planning Scheme of Delegation.


3)         22/00223/F

Flint House Barn, Flint House Road, Three Holes.

VARIATION OF CONDITION 2 OF PLANNING PERMISSION 21/00805/F: To amend the external appearance


AGREED:  That the application be determined in accordance with the Planning Scheme of Delegation.


4)         21/02329/F

Land Around Pond And W of 30 Hill Road  Lynn Road Ingoldisthorpe Norfolk 

VARIATION OF CONDITIONS 1 AND 2 of Planning Permission 18/02200/RMM: To amend drawings for Plot 7


AGREED:  That the application be determined in accordance with the Planning Scheme of Delegation.



5)         22/00346/F

Land E of The Stet, School Road, Terrington St John

Erection of stable building 


AGREED: That the application be referred to the Planning Committee for determination.


6)         20/02070/F:

The Tower, Broadwater Road, Holme Next The Sea

Replacement dwelling


AGREED:  That the application be determined in accordance with the Planning Scheme of Delegation.