Agenda and draft minutes

Venue: Council Chamber, Town Hall, Saturday Market Place, King's Lynn PE30 5DQ. View directions

Contact: Kathy Wagg 

No. Item




The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting. She advised that the meeting was being recorded and streamed live to You Tube.


Apologies for absence


Declarations of interest


Councillor Bambridge declared that she was appointed by Norfolk County Council as a Governor for the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, but she had not been involved anything that was being discussed today.


Urgent Business

To consider any business which, by reason of special circumstances, the Chair proposes to accept as urgent under Section 100(b)(4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972.


There was no urgent business.


Members present pursuant to Standing Order 34


There were no Members present pursuant to Standing Order 34.


Chair's correspondence (if any)


There was no Chair’s correspondence to report.


Items for consideration

(i)    22/01947/FM:  Demolition of the Inspire Centre, including its associated car park and full planning permission for the construction of a new Multi-Storey Car Park, associated highway works, engineering works, drainage works and landscaping: Queen Elizabeth Hospital Gayton Road King's Lynn Norfolk PE30 4ET


(ii)   22/01310/RM:  Approval of matters reserved for layout, scale, appearance and landscaping following outline planning permission 16/02231/OM for the erection of new homes, open space, a car park to serve Reffley Wood, paths and cycleways and associated development:  Land West of Knights Hill Village Grimston Road South Wootton



(iii)  22/01490/FM - The installation of a single wind turbine with a maximum blade tip of 100 m, with access and associated infrastructure:  PIL Membranes PCL Ceramics Porelle Estuary Road King's Lynn Norfolk PE30 2HS



(i)              22/01947/FM: Demolition of the Inspire Centre, including its associated car park and full planning permission for the construction of a new Multi-Storey Car Park, associated highway works, engineering works, drainage works and landscaping: Queen Elizabeth Hospital Gayton Road King's Lynn Norfolk PE30 4E


Click here to view a recording of this item on You Tube


The Senior Planner presented the application. 


She advised that the application was for a multistorey car park.  The application was in two phases.  Phase 1 would take place on the car park and comprised 500 car parking spaces.  Phase 2 would go where the Inspire Building was and would join on to Phase 1 and was required for future expansion of the hospital. 


In response to a question regarding the number of car parking spaces, the Senior Planner advised that the hospital had confirmed that the new multi-storey car park would solve their current demand problems and would replace the 218 with 500, so that would address the existing shortfall and the remainder of the spaces would accommodate the future demand for the hospital.


The car park would comprise 5 storeys with 6 levels, 18 electric charging spaces, 7% disabled parking (98 spaces on the ground floor) with 1,267 standard bays.  There would also be auto number plate recognition.  The Senior Planner outlined the dimensions of the building. 


One small tree would be lost as part of the proposal, but additional planting would take place on the western and southern elevation. 


Councillor Jones queried what the disruption would be when building phase 2.  The Senior Planner explained that the car park was being built in such a way that there would not be too much disruption.  The entrance and exit would be carried out as part of the phase 1 development so that phase 2 could go ahead without any significant impact on the phase 1 development. 


It was acknowledged that there would be some loss of car parking spaces whilst phase 2 was being developed, however phase 1 would be increasing the number of car parking spaces. It had been suggested that there would be application for the relocation of the 218 spaces (which had not been received to date) whilst phase 1 was being built.  Both applications would be tied, and the multi storey car park would not be built until a temporary car park was in place.


Councillor Mrs Collop expressed concern in relation to where the car park would be situated, and whether it could cause a back-up of traffic.  The Senior Planner explained that comments from County Highways were still awaited but the applicant would be carrying out widening and improvement works to the internal highway. 


Councillor Mrs Collop referred to a meeting she had attended which included residents from Gayton Road who would be looking onto the new car park and asked what size tree would be planted.  In response, the Senior Planner advised that larger trees would be looked for and this could be conditioned.  She added  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7.


Any Other Business


There was none.


Date of next meeting


To be arranged when required.