Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber, Town Hall, Saturday Market Place, King's Lynn PE30 5DQ. View directions

Contact: Rebecca Parker, Democratic Services, 01553 616632 

No. Item


Moment of Silence as a Mark of Respect for Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II


Those present observed a moment of silence as a mark of respect for Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.


Apologies for absence

To receive any apologies for absence.


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Beal and Manning.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 295 KB

To approve the minutes of the previous meeting.


RESOLVED: The minutes from the previous meeting were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chair.


Declarations of Interest

Please indicate if there are any interests which should be declared.  A declaration of interest should indicate the nature of the interest (if not already declared on the Register of Interests) and the agenda item to which it relates.  If a disclosable pecuniary interest is declared, the Member should withdraw from the room whilst the matter is discussed.


Those declarations apply to all Members present, whether the Member is part of the meeting, attending to speak as a local Member on an item or simply observing the meeting from the public seating area.


There was none.


Urgent Business

To consider any business which, by reason of special circumstances, the Chair proposes to accept as urgent under Section 100(b)(4)(b) of the Local Government Act, 1972.


There was none.


Members Present Pursuant to Standing Order 34

Members wishing to speak pursuant to Standing Order 34 should inform the Chair of their intention to do so and what items they wish to be heard before a decision on that item is taken.  



Councillor Ryves via Zoom.


Chair's Correspondence

If any.


Click here to view the recording of this item on You Tube.


The Chair explained that she had received correspondence from Councillor Ryves relating to the Queen Elizabeth Hospital.  The Chair had some information that she would send to Councillor Ryves and also indicated that some of the issues raised by Councillor Ryves would be covered at the next Member Briefing on the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in October.


Cabinet Report - Multi User Community Hub - Town Deal Business Case pdf icon PDF 408 KB

To consider the report and make any appropriate recommendations to Cabinet.

Additional documents:


Click here to view the recording of this item on You Tube.


Officers from the Borough Council and Norfolk County Council presented the business case for the Multi-user Community Hub project.  A copy of the presentation is attached.


The Chair thanked officers for their report and invited questions and comments from the Panel, as summarised below.


Councillor Morley asked what would be done to attract vulnerable people to make use of the space.  Natasha Hayes explained that engagement work was ongoing, and the benefits of the facility would be promoted.  She agreed that it would be challenging but there would be a significant effort on communications and working with partners, organisations, and community groups to explain the offer and encourage use of the facility.


Councillor Morley asked if there was an overflow strategy, should the facility become oversubscribed.  It was explained that there was not a route for expansion at present, but this was something that would be looked at during the project delivery phase.


Councillor Humphrey referred to a similar facility in Great Yarmouth and asked if experience from this project would be used going forward.  Natasha Hayes explained that it was a similar model.


In response to a question from the Vice Chair, Councillor Gidney, it was explained that the footprint of the MUCH was almost double that of the existing library.  Once designs were progressed more information on capacity would be known.  It was also confirmed that video conference facilities would be available in some of the meeting rooms.


In response to issues relating to the Mobile Library Facility, Members were informed that this had been subject to a separate consultation and was not part of this project.  It was noted that there was a free Norfolk app for e-books.


Information was provided on staff, and it was explained that their role would include signposting and the provision of information.


Councillor de Whalley sought assurance that the lifespan and maintenance costs of the building had been considered.  Natasha Hayes explained that surveys and feasibility studies had been carried out and the building was being built in the most economical way.


Councillor de Whalley asked if the range of activities to be offered would be compatible and Natasha Hayes explained that organisations would be engaged to understand their needs and requirements, and this would be considered as part of the design process.


In response to a question from Councillor Jones it was explained that the value of the completed building was currently unknown, but it would provide value as a community asset.


Councillor Crofts asked about the hire of rooms and extended opening hours.  Natasha Hayes explained that the open libraries provision looked to open the facilities longer and ways of doing this safely would be looked at.  It was the intention to make the facility as accessible as possible.


RESOLVED: That Cabinets attention be drawn to the comments made by the Panel, as set out above and the Cabinet be informed that the Regeneration and Development Panel  ...  view the full minutes text for item RD51:


Cabinet Report - Active and Clean Connectivity - Town Deal Business Case pdf icon PDF 326 KB

To consider the report and make any appropriate recommendations to Cabinet.

Additional documents:


Click here to view the recording of this item on You Tube.


Officers presented the business case for the Active and Clean Connectivity Town Deal Business Case.  A copy of the presentation is attached.


The Chair thanked officers for their report and invited questions and comments from the Panel, as summarised below.


Councillor Jones raised concerns about the suitability of using St Edmundsbury Road as part of the cycle route through North Lynn, explaining that the current cycle path was fine, and he did not feel that changes needed to be made.  He provided details of paths that could be used which would make the route a better and more straight forward path for cyclists to use.  He commented that having a cycle path going through a residential area where lots of children played was not good for cyclists or the children.  The Assistant Director explained that this was not part of the Towns Fund project but had been identified as part of the Gyratory scheme work as a medium-term project.


Councillor Crofts asked if safe storage facilities would be available and if there would be a charge for the use of facilities.  It was explained that there would be a nominal charge and membership schemes and card entry systems were some of the solutions that were being looked at.  The area would also be covered by CCTV and emergency exits would be available.


Councillor Morley referred to the cost benefit ratio and felt that a demand assessment should be carried out before the project was progressed.  He stated that he could not support the project in its current form as more evidence on demand was required.  The Chair, Councillor Collingham, commented that she felt that this was a great opportunity for the area, and it was vital to encourage greener transport options.  She hoped that the project would integrate with bus services.


Councillor de Whalley asked if Active Travel England had been engaged in the project process and if the West Winch development area had been considered.  Councillor de Whalley stated that he could not support the recommendations as they stood.  The Assistant Director explained that the project had designed inline with government guidance and had been subject to extensive consultation.


It was also explained that the West Winch development area was a separate project and opportunities for the future would be looked at and would have to consider active and clean travel.


The Portfolio Holder for Business, Culture and Heritage acknowledged that this project was bold and ambitious and strong incentives were needed to get individuals involved and to change their habits.  He felt that this was the right move for King’s Lynn and hoped that the Panel would support the proposals.


The Vice Chair, Councillor Gidney referred to trends such as wide tyred bicycles and felt that this was something that may become more popular in the future.  He stated that CCTC and security was important.  He also commented that the project could provide opportunities for an  ...  view the full minutes text for item RD52:


Cabinet Report - Riverfront Development Plan - Town Deal Business Case pdf icon PDF 350 KB

To consider the report and make any appropriate recommendations to Cabinet.

Additional documents:


Click here to view the recording of this item on You Tube.


The Assistant Director and Peter Sharp from Mott McDonald presented the business case for the Riverfront Town Deal Business Case.  A copy of the presentation is attached.


The Chair thanked officers for their report and invited questions and comments from the Panel, as summarised below.


Councillor Crofts referred to the money that was to be spent to provide facilities for the Pontoons, but that there was no money for coach parking and facilities for coaches, which would encourage bus trips into the town.  The Assistant Director agreed that it was important to provide facilities for coach parties, but queried if the waterfront was the right location for this.


Councillor de Whalley asked for information on the operation of the observation tower and if the privacy of the residential area had been considered.  He also referred to exhibition vessels and that this would drive tourism to the area.  The Assistant Director explained that separate options for the Purfleet would be considered in the future, separate to the Town Deal Project.  He explained that the design of the observation tower would be looked at as the next part of the project and would be subject to planning permission.


The Chair commented that an exhibition vessel would be a great draw for tourism.  The Assistant Director explained that it would be very expensive to bring this into the Purfleet and then ongoing maintenance costs would have to be considered.  He explained that options for the Purfleet would be looked at as part of a separate project.


Councillor Morley commended the project and felt that it was desperately needed in the town.  He referred to tourism and that car parking should be looked.


The Assistant Director explained that detailed design work would be the next stage and the Regeneration and Development Panel would have opportunities to become involved in the design work.  Councillor Jones suggested the use of live webcams and binoculars at the proposed tower.


The Vice Chair, Councillor Gidney made reference to the Customs House and the Assistant Director explained that proposals for a lift were being looked at.  Historic England had been consulted on this and were keen to see more Listed Buildings become more accessible.


The Vice Chair also raised concerns relating to flooding and cellars underneath the Quay.  He commented that facilities for the Pontoons were important and agreed with comments made that an exhibition vessel in the Purfleet would draw in tourists.  The Assistant Director explained that flood issues would be considered, and planting and greenery would need to be positioned so that it did not interfere with cellars or cause a hazard in the flood risk area.  He also referred to traffic along the Quay and explained that if the area was to be closed to traffic it could cause an impact on the traffic flow throughout the rest of the town centre, therefore if the road was temporarily closed for events, then the impact  ...  view the full minutes text for item RD53:


Work Programme and Forward Decision List pdf icon PDF 242 KB

Additional documents:


Click here to view the recording of this item on You Tube.


The Chair suggested that the Panel hold an additional meeting in December to pick up the items relating to Tourism which had been scheduled to go to the meeting that had been cancelled during the national mourning period.


RESOLVED: 1. The Work Programme and Forward Decisions List was noted.

2. An additional meeting of the Regeneration and Development Panel be scheduled for December 2022.


Date of the next meeting

To note that the next ordinary meeting of the Regeneration & Development Panel is scheduled to take place on Tuesday 8th November 2022 at 4.30pm in the Town Hall, King’s Lynn.


The next meeting of the Regeneration and Development Panel was scheduled to take place on Tuesday 8th November 2022 at 4.30pm.