Agenda and minutes

Venue: Committee Suite, King's Court, Chapel Street, King's Lynn

Contact: Rebecca Parker, Democratic Services, 01553 616632 

No. Item


Apologies for absence

To receive any apologies for absence.


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Daubney, Howland, Shorting, Tyler and Whitby.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 118 KB

To approve the minutes of the previous meeting.


RESOLVED: The minutes from the joint meeting held on 28th October 2015 were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.


Declarations of Interest

Please indicate if there are any interests which should be declared.  A declaration of interest should indicate the nature of the interest (if not already declared on the Register of Interests) and the agenda item to which it relates.  If a disclosable pecuniary interest is declared, the Member should withdraw from the room whilst the matter is discussed.


Those declarations apply to all Members present, whether the Member is part of the meeting, attending to speak as a local Member on an item or simply observing the meeting from the public seating area.


There was none.


Urgent Business

To consider any business which, by reason of special circumstances, the Chairman proposes to accept as urgent under Section 100(b)(4)(b) of the Local Government Act, 1972.


There was none.


Members Present Pursuant to Standing Order 34

Members wishing to speak pursuant to Standing Order 34 should inform the Chairman of their intention to do so and on what items they wish to be heard before the meeting commences.  Any Member attending the meeting under Standing Order 34 will only be permitted to speak on those items which have been previously notified to the Chairman.


There was none.


Chairman's Correspondence

If any.


There was none.


Matters referred to the Panel from other Council Bodies and responses made to previous Panel recommendations/requests

To receive comments and recommendations from other Council bodies, and any responses subsequent to recommendations, which the Panel has previously made.


At the Cabinet meeting on 3 November 2015, the following responses were made to the recommendations from the Joint Panel Meeting on the 28th October 2015, on the following items:


Cabinet Report – Review of Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing Fees


PANEL RECOMMENDED: (i) That an update on the ability for private hire operators to sub contract to another local authority operator be provided to the Panel in 12 months time.

(ii) That the Regeneration and Development & Environment and Community panel support the recommendations to Cabinet as set out in the report.


CABINET RESPONSE: The comments of the Panel were taken into consideration when Cabinet considered the item.


Cabinet Report – Gambling Act Policies


PANEL RECOMMENDED: That the Regeneration & Development and Environment & Community Panel supported the recommendations to Cabinet as set out in the report.


CABINET RESPONSE: The comments of the Panel were taken into consideration when Cabinet considered the item.


Cabinet Report – Licensing Act Policies


PANEL RECOMMENDED: That the Regeneration & Development and Environment & Community Panel supported the recommendations to Cabinet as set out in the report.


CABINET RESPONSE: The comments of the Panel were taken into consideration when Cabinet considered the item.



The Panel noted the response made by Cabinet to the recommendations from the Joint Panel Meeting on 28 October 2015 in respect of the following items:


·         Review of Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing Fees.

·         Gambling Act Policies

·         Licensing Act Policies. 



Norfolk Rural Development Strategy Update and Local Strategy for the West Norfolk LEADER Programme pdf icon PDF 102 KB

To receive an update from representatives from Norfolk County Council.

Additional documents:


The Chairman welcomed Vince Muspratt and Eliska Cheeseman to the Meeting who provided an update on the Norfolk Rural Development Strategy, West Norfolk Local Action Group and other support for accessing EU funding.


A copy of the presentation is attached at Appendix 1.


The Chairman thanked officers for their presentation and invited questions and comments from the Panel as summarised below.


In response to a question from Councillor Baron Chenery of Horsbrugh it was explained that the West Norfolk Local Action Group comprised 50% private sector representatives, a Borough Council representative (the Economic Development Officer), representatives from the National Farmers Union and Community Action Norfolk and was supported by officers from Norfolk County Council.  Eliska Cheeseman explained that it would be beneficial if there were more private sector representatives on the Group and informed those present that if they knew anyone who would like to be involved to contact her. 


In response to a further question from Councillor Baron Chenery of Horsbrugh regarding Broadband and Mobile Phone coverage, it was explained that a Digital Divide Group had been established and were campaigning for broadband and mobile coverage improvements.  Eliska Cheeseman explained that the group received the roll out plans and downtimes from the main mobile providers and had received presentations from them.  She explained that sometimes there were down time periods of about six weeks during reconfiguration of masts and infrastructure.  The Digital Divide Group was campaigning for increased mobile coverage in rural areas.


Councillor Mrs Watson explained that she was concerned with housing needs.  She felt that it was problematic on the Coast as there was little affordable housing provision and social housing was being sold.  She commented that it was important to provide affordable homes along the Coast to enable people to remain in the area.  Eliska Cheeseman explained that this had been recognised as an issue in the Rural Development Strategy and there was a need to provide housing so that young people did not leave the area due to lack of appropriate housing.  The Panel was informed that this was not something that the private sector could solve alone, so incentives could be looked at on how social housing could be provided and business owners could investigate how the needs of their labour forces could be met.


Vince Muspratt commented that the Rural Development Strategy would not solve all problems, but it could help communities to develop ways of working together.  The funding available for communities could assist them in looking at housing needs and communities could carry out initiatives or create Community Housing Trusts if they were willing to become involved and take ownership.  The Vice Chairman, Councillor Mrs Wright asked if this was something that Borough Councillors could promote within their Constituency and it was explained that the option could be explored and if there was a desire to proceed there was the possibility that some funding could be available.


In response to a question from the Vice Chairman, Eliska Cheeseman provided an example  ...  view the full minutes text for item RD8:


Arts Centre Redevelopment

Additional documents:


The Principal Project Surveyor provided the Panel with an update on the King’s Lynn Arts Centre Complex as attached.  The Panel was provided with an overview of the history of the Arts Centre, the different buildings which comprised the centre and current issues and problems.  Members of the Panel had been invited on a tour of the Arts Centre prior to the meeting.


The Chairman thanked the Principal Project Surveyor for his presentation and invited questions and comments from the Panel, as summarised below.


Councillor Crofts explained that he felt the buildings were under used and asked if consideration had been given to holding antique fairs in the Arts Centre.  The Principal Project Surveyor explained that consideration had been given to dividing the White Barn into workshop spaces and other options could be considered in the future.


Councillor Mrs Collingham commented that it was important to introduce a commercial Management Structure to the Arts Centre to make it economically viable, whilst underpinning the Arts.


In response to a question from Councillor Baron Chenery of Horsbrugh, it was explained that the next stage was to engage with stakeholders and review options with a view to presenting them to Members in March 2016.  Subject to Member approval it was proposed that an initial project enquiry be submitted to the Heritage Lottery Fund in spring 2016.  The Portfolio Holder for Culture, Heritage and Health explained that she had already spoken to some stakeholders regarding the future of the Arts Centre.


Councillor Bubb commented that there was lack of connectivity between the buildings and one solution could be to put a roof or canopy over the centre of the complex.


Councillor Mrs Watson commented that the Arts Centre appealed to a niche group of regular users who felt ownership of the space.  She explained that it was important to open up the space and raise awareness that it was open for everyone to enjoy.  She asked if it would be possible to show a plan of the Arts Centre complex in other Council owned buildings which could also advertise events and encourage people to visit the complex.


The Executive Director explained that as part of the Heritage Lottery Fund application it would have to be proven that there was public support for the project, so the public would be engaged in the consultation process of the Council determined to proceed.


Councillor Tilbury asked if any draft proposals had been considered and asked why upset the current operation of the Arts Centre.  The Chairman explained that the current complex was under used and could be better utilised.  Proposals would look at how to maximise the use of the space and become commercially viable.


The Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Regeneration and Industrial Assets explained that everyone had different ideas on the future of the Arts Centre and the next stage would be to engage with stakeholders.  He commented that the Arts Centre was not widely visible from the street and needed to be opened  ...  view the full minutes text for item RD9:


Destination Management Plan pdf icon PDF 100 KB

Additional documents:


The Tourism Manager presented the West Norfolk Destination Management Plan.  He introduced Paul Searle to the Panel who had been involved in the creation of the Plan and was a Member of the West Norfolk Tourism Forum Executive Committee.  The Tourism Manager explained that the plan had been developed to provide a framework of objectives and actions over the next five years for increasing the value that visitor spending could make to the local economy throughout the Borough of King’s Lynn and West Norfolk.  This approach was being actively encouraged by organisations including Visit England and the Local Enterprise Partnerships.  The plan included proposals on how the overall destination, locations and products could be branded and promoted and provided an understanding of how other destination management organisation and tourism bodies could work to meet the needs of the visitor economy in West Norfolk.  The Tourism Manager provided an overview of key issues reviewed and the resultant aims and objectives of the plan.


A copy of the Tourism Managers presentation is attached.


Paul Searle addressed the Panel and explained that a lot of work had been done to bring the plan into fruition.  He referred to the plan’s objectives and aims and felt that it was important to promote West Norfolk as a visitor destination.  Increasing visitor stay was important and the tourism experience needed to be developed.  Work should be carried out to capitalize on day trippers and encourage them to stay in the area for longer periods.  It was important to continue developing activities and events to give a reason for people to come to the area, which would have a knock on effect on local businesses and the local economy.


Paul Searle congratulated all those involved in creation of the plan and commented that it was supported by the tourism industry.


The Chairman thanked the Tourism Manager and Paul Searle for their presentation and invited questions and comments from the Panel, as summarised below.


Councillor Crofts asked if opportunities could be created for touring caravans to stop in King’s Lynn as most remained along the coast.  He referred to the waterfront area and asked if there was potential for this to be used as a caravan park.  Paul Searle explained that he had not considered the potential for a touring caravan park in King’s Lynn as caravans tended to be located in rural locations; however, this was something that could be investigated in the future if required.  He emphasised the importance of continually offering ideas and encouraging visitors to experience activities and attractions across the local area.


Councillor Mrs Watson referred to the Coasthopper bus service and felt that the service was not as good as it had been previously.  She felt the service did not link up with rail services as well as it had done in the past. She suggested that more could be done to promote Farmers Markets and she commented that she had visited many of these Markets and they always tended to be  ...  view the full minutes text for item RD10:


Work Programme and Forward Decisions List pdf icon PDF 63 KB

To consider the Work Programme. 


In considering the Work Programme Members’ attention is drawn to the Cabinet Forward Decision List.

Additional documents:


The Chairman informed those present that if they had any suggestions for items to be added to the Work Programme they could email her at any time.


RESOLVED: The Work Plan and Forward Decision List was noted.


Date of the next meeting

To note that the next meeting of the Regeneration & Development Panel is scheduled to take place on 6th January 2016 at 6.00pm in the Committee Suite, King’s Court, Chapel Street, King’s Lynn, Norfolk, PE30 1EX.


The next meeting of the Regeneration and Development Panel was scheduled to take place on Wednesday 6 January 2015 at 6.00pm in the Committee Suite, King’s Court, Chapel Street, King’s Lynn, Norfolk, PE30 1EX.