Agenda and minutes

Venue: Committee Suite, King's Court, Chapel Street, King's Lynn. View directions

Contact: Democratic Services, King's Court, Chapel Street, King's Lynn, Norfolk. PE30 1EX 

No. Item


Apologies for absence

To receive any apologies for absence.


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors A Beales, Mrs C Bower (Councillor T Wing-Pentelow substituting), Mrs J Collingham (Councillor T Bubb substituting), N Daubney, Mrs S Fraser, M Hopkins, M Howland and B Long.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 135 KB

To approve the minutes of the previous meeting.


RESOLVED: The minutes from the meeting held on Wednesday 2September 2015 were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.


Declarations of Interest

Please indicate if there are any interests which should be declared.  A declaration of an interest should indicate the nature of the interest (if not already declared on the Register of Interests) and the agenda item to which it relates.  If a disclosable pecuniary interest is declared, the Member should withdraw from the room whilst the matter is discussed.


Those declarations apply to all Members present, whether the Member is part of the meeting, attending to speak as a local Member on an item or simple observing the meeting from the public seating area.


There was none.


Urgent Business

To consider any business which, by reason of special circumstances, the Chairman proposes to accept as urgent under Section 100(b)(4)(b) of the Local Government Act, 1972.


There was none.


Members Present Pursuant to Standing Order 34

Members wishing to speak pursuant to Standing Order 34 should inform the Chairman of their intention to do so and on what items they wish to be heard before the meeting commences.  Any Member attending the meeting under Standing Order 34 will only be permitted to speak on those items which have been previously notified to the Chairman.


Councillor J Moriarty – RD&EC62 & RC&EC66.


Chairman's Correspondence

If any.


There was none.


Matters referred to the Panel from other Council Bodies and responses made to previous Panel recommendations/requests

To receive comments and recommendations from other Council bodies, and any responses subsequent to recommendations, which the Panel has previously made.


At the Cabinet meeting on 9th September 2015, the following responses were made to the recommendations from the Panel on the 2nd September 2015, on the following items:


Cabinet Report – Nar Ouse Business Park Enterprise Zone


PANEL RECOMMENDED: That the Regeneration & Development and Environment & Community Panel supported the recommendations to Cabinet with an additional recommendation four as follows:


That the comments of the Panels be noted.


CABINET RESPONSE: The comments of the Panel were taken into consideration when Cabinet considered the item.


Cabinet Report – South Wootton and Brancaster Neighbourhood Plans


PANEL RECOMMENDED: That the Regeneration & Development and Environment & Community Panel supported the recommendations to Cabinet as set out in the report.


CABINET RESPONSE: The comments of the Panel were taken into consideration when Cabinet considered the item.


Cabinet Report – Site Allocations Plan – Proposed Modifications


PANEL RECOMMENDED: That the Regeneration & Development and Environment & Community Panel supported the recommendations to Cabinet as set out in the report.


CABINET RESPONSE: The comments of the Panel were taken into consideration when Cabinet considered the item.


The Panel noted the response made by Cabinet to the recommendations from the Joint Panel Meeting on 2nd September 2015 in respect of the following items:


·         Nar Ouse Business Park Enterprise Zone

·         South Wootton and Brancaster Neighbourhood Plans

·         Site Allocations Plan – Proposed Modifications



Highways Works

Quentin Brogdale from Norfolk County Council will be in attendance to update the Panel on Highway Works.


This item was deferred.


Overview of Enforcement

The Planning Control Manager/Planning Enforcement Team Leader will give a presentation to the Panel on Enforcement.


All Councillors have been invited to the meeting for this item.


The Chairman, Councillor Mrs Mellish, welcomed Councillor Blunt to the meeting as the new Portfolio Holder for Development.


The Planning Control Manager provided an overview of Planning Enforcement.  He explained that the department investigated potential breaches of planning control and took the required action.  The Planning Control Manager provided information on the main categories of potential breaches of planning control, which included material changes of use of land, operational development and breach of planning conditions.


The Panel was provided with information on the procedure following receipt of a complaint.  The complaint would be registered and previous planning history would be researched.  A site inspection would then take place within 5 days or within 24 hours if an irreplaceable asset was at risk, such as a Listed Building.  Following the inspection investigations would take place and if required the Council could make a formal request for information by serving a Planning Contravention Notice or a requisition for information (s330) notice.


If the breach was considered to be harmful or contrary to the current policy and could not be modified, the Council could consider formal enforcement action and serve the relevant notice.  If the land owner or occupier failed to comply with the formal notice the Council could take further action such as prosecution or direct action in default of the notice, which could include entering the land to rectify issues.


The Enforcement Team Leader provided the Panel with details of the Enforcement Team and the areas they covered.  He provided information on the case load as at 1 September 2015 and explained that there were currently 325 live cases.  482 cases had been received and 421 cases closed since 1 January 2015.  Those present were provided with details of some of the enforcement cases dealt with by the Council.


The Chairman thanked the Planning Control Manager and Enforcement Team Leader for their presentation and invited questions and comments from the Panels, as summarised below.


In response to a question from Councillor Crofts, the Enforcement Team Leader explained that a land charge would be placed on the land so that the Council could be reimbursed if any costs were associated with works where a notice had been defaulted on. 


In response to a further question from Councillor Crofts, the Enforcement Team Leader confirmed that high hedge notices did not apply to fences.  The Enforcement Team did deal with high hedges and a formula was used to determine if a high hedge was having a detrimental impact, which took into account the orientation of the sun and proximity to neighbours.


Councillor Kunes asked if a section 215 notice could be placed on Agricultural Land.  The Enforcement Team Leader explained that a section 215 notice could be served if the condition of land was causing an adverse effect on the amenity of an area.  It could be placed on any type of land, however it could not be served if the land was being used lawfully.


In response to a question from Councillor Mrs  ...  view the full minutes text for item RD&EC62


Food Safety Team Annual Update

The Environmental Health Manager (Commercial) will give a Food Safety Team Annual Update presentation to the Panel.


The Environmental Health Manager (Commercial) provided those present with an overview of the Food Safety Team and the work they carried out.  She provided details of the Legal Regulations surrounding the Food Safety processes and statutory duties of the Council.


The Panel was provided with an overview of how Food Hygiene Inspections were carried out and the ratings achieved by premises for 2014/2015.  She informed those present that 775 premises were currently rated as very good, one premises did have a zero rating, but issues had now been resolved and the premises was currently rated as generally satisfactory.


The Environmental Health Manager explained that each year the Food Standards Agency promoted a Food Safety week.  This year was the Chicken Challenge and promoted steps to protect people and their families when preparing raw chicken.


The Food Safety Team had also been involved in the requirement for all food businesses to provide information about Allergenic Ingredients used in the food sold or provided by them.  Training sessions had been made available for businesses and information packs had been created.


The Panel was informed that the Council had a statutory duty to conduct Shellfish Sampling.  Classified areas had to be periodically monitored for microbiological quality.  Shellfish flesh and water samples needed to be tested for the presence of certain toxins.  The Environmental Health Manager confirmed that the Council had to meet the costs of shellfish sampling as it was a statutory duty.  Discussions were ongoing to try and reduce the fee charged by external organisations when the only way to access areas was by boat.


The Chairman thanked the Environmental Health Manager for her report and invited questions and comments from the Panels, as summarised below.


In response to a question from Councillor Rochford, the Environmental Health Manager explained that the Council was required to submit ten shellfish samples per year, however they submitted twelve.  This was in case one of the samples failed.  The Panel was informed that if one of the samples failed the Council could lose its classification and the reclassification process would have to be started again.


Councillor Bubb referred to ship inspections and asked who met the cost of the inspections carried out by the Council.  The Environmental Health Manager explained that the Council carried out inspections to all ships in the docks.  The individual ships had to pay for the inspection and fees were set nationally.


In response to a question from the Vice Chairman, Councillor Mrs Wright, the Environmental Health Manager explained that high risk premises would receive the most frequent visits from the Food Safety Team.  High risk premises could include those who had problems in the past, had complex structures of premises or methods of cooking.


In response to a further question from the Vice Chairman regarding Campylobacter, the Environmental Health Manager explained that the bacteria could not be controlled at source as it was intrinsic in the bird and the slaughter process.  There was currently no vaccine which could be provided.  The  ...  view the full minutes text for item RD&EC63


Overview of Hanseatic Activities

The Panel will receive a report from the Regeneration and Economic Development Manager on the Hanseatic Activities (to follow).


All Councillors have been invited to the meeting for this item.


This item of business was deferred until the next meeting.


Cabinet Report - Residential Caravan Site Licensing pdf icon PDF 99 KB

The above report is on the Cabinet Forward Decision List for 6 October

2015 and has been identified by the Chairman for consideration by the Panel.


The Panel are requested to consider the report and make any appropriate recommendations to Cabinet.


Additional documents:


The Housing Services Operations Manager presented the Cabinet report.  She reminded those present that in June 2014 a report had been taken to Cabinet to approve the commencement of a public consultation exercise to the proposed revised residential caravan site licensing conditions.


The report now being considered presented the results of the consultation exercise, the proposed amended residential caravan site licence conditions and a proposed fees policy which would come into effect in April 2016.


The Chairman thanked the Housing Services Operations Manager for her report and invited questions and comments from the Panels, as summarised below.


In response to a question from the Vice Chairman, Councillor Mrs Wright, the Housing Services Operations Manager explained that the interpretation of a mobile home was a home that could be lifted by sturdy means.  The Residential Caravan Site Licences applied to permanent sites, however there were some exemptions such as Norfolk County Council sites and gypsy and traveller sites.


The Chairman, Councillor Mrs Mellish asked if any concerns had been raised through the consultation exercise with regard to the introduction of licence fees.  The Housing Services Operations Manager explained that no major concerns had been raised through the consultation process and responses to the consultation were included within the Cabinet report.


In response to a question from Councillor Mrs Bambridge, it was confirmed that if a property was a permanent home it would be subject to Council tax.


Councillor Crofts asked if there was a difference between mobile homes and caravans and the Housing Services Operations Manager explained that for the purpose of the residential caravan site licensing scheme it was considered to be a mobile structure and included park homes.


Councillor Smith asked how the fees had been calculated and the Housing Services Operations Manager explained that Government Guidance had been looked at and comparisons made to what was charged by other Local Authorities.  She explained that the fees charged needed to take into account the rurality of the borough and the cost involved in travelling to sites.


Councillor Hipperson referred to planning issues with a caravan park within his ward.  The Housing Services Operations Manager explained that caravan parks had certain regulations that had to be adhered to including the distance between caravans etc. and this was a planning consideration.


Councillor Smith referred to page 50 of the agenda, the draft single new conditions which stated that the site owner shall establish whether the site is at risk from flooding by referring to the flood risk information pages on the Borough Council’s website.  He asked what would happen if people did not have access to the website and asked if there were other places that this information could be found.  The Housing Services Operations Manager confirmed that there were other ways to access the information.


RESOLVED: That the Regeneration & Development and Environment & Community Panel support the recommendations to Cabinet as set out below:


1.    Members note the report and endorse the approach to dealing with, and enforcement associated with residential  ...  view the full minutes text for item RD&EC65


Work Programme and Forward Decisions List pdf icon PDF 70 KB

To consider the attached Work Programme for 2015/2016.


In considering the draft Work Programme Members’ attention is drawn to the Cabinet Forward Decisions List.


Additional documents:


The Chairman invited Members of the Panel to contact her if they had any items which they would like to add to the work programme.


Councillor Moriarty addressed the Panel under Standing Order 34.  He referred to the presentation provided to the Resources and Performance Panel the previous evening on Transforming Services.  He explained that information had been provided on moving the Customer Information Centre to an appointments only system.  He felt that the Environment and Community Panel should consider the impact that this would have on the Local Community.


The Chairman agreed to discuss this at the next Panel sifting meeting.  The Panel was informed that a Cabinet report on Customer Services and Channel Shift was due to be considered by Cabinet on 3rd November 2015 and the Chairman of the Panels would discuss how the Panels could have an input into the process.


RESOLVED: (i) The work programme and forward decision list was noted.

(ii) Suggested agenda items to be considered by the Chairmen and added to the work programme as appropriate.


Date of the next meeting

To note that the next Joint meeting of the Regeneration & Development and Environment & Community Panel is scheduled to take place on Wednesday 28th October 2015 at 6.00pm in the Committee Suite, King’s Court, Chapel Street, King’s Lynn.



The next meeting of the Regeneration & Development and Environment & Community Panel was scheduled to take place on Wednesday 28th October 2015 at 6.00pm in the Committee Suite, King’s Court, Chapel Street, King’s Lynn, Norfolk, PE30 1EX.