Venue: Council Chamber, Town Hall, Saturday Market Place, King's Lynn PE30 5DQ. View directions
Contact: Sam Winter, Democratic Services Manager 01553 616327
No. | Item |
MINUTES To approve the Minutes of the Meeting held on 15 January 2024 (previously circulated).
Decision: RESOLVED: The Minutes of the meeting held on 15 January 2024 were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chair. Minutes: RESOLVED: The Minutes of the meeting held on 15 January 2024 were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chair. |
URGENT BUSINESS To consider any business, which by reason of special circumstances, the Chair proposes to accept, under Section 100(b)(4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972.
Decision: None Minutes: None |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Please indicate if there are any interests which should be declared. A declaration of an interest should indicate the nature of the interest (if not already declared on the Register of Interests) and the agenda item to which it relates. If a disclosable pecuniary interest is declared, the member should withdraw from the room whilst the matter is discussed.
These declarations apply to all Members present, whether the Member is part of the meeting, attending to speak as a local Member on an item or simply observing the meeting from the public seating area. Decision: Councillor A Ware declared a non pecuniary interest in the Lynnsport 1 and Acquisition of Homes items as a Director of the Council's Housing and Property Companies. Minutes: Councillor A Ware declared a non pecuniary interest in the Lynnsport 1 and Acquisition of Homes items as a Director of the Council's Housing and Property Companies. |
CHAIR'S CORRESPONDENCE To receive any Chair’s correspondence. Decision: None Minutes: None |
MEMBERS PRESENT UNDER STANDING ORDER 34 To note the names of any Councillors who wish to address the meeting under Standing Order 34.
Members wishing to speak pursuant to Standing Order 34 should inform the Chair of their intention to do so and on what items they wish to be heard before a decision on that item is taken.
Decision: Councillor A Ware Minutes: Councillor A Ware |
CALLED IN MATTERS To report on any Cabinet Decisions called in. Decision: The Delegated decision on Making West Norfolk a Marmot Place taken by the Cabinet Member for People and Communities was called in. The Corporate Performance Panel considered the call in and did not uphold the call in. They did ask for an all Councillor briefing on the subject. Minutes: The Delegated decision on Making West Norfolk a Marmot Place taken by the Cabinet Member for People and Communities was called in. The Corporate Performance Panel considered the call in and did not uphold the call in. They did ask for an all Councillor briefing on the subject. |
A copy of the Forward Decisions List is attached
Decision: The Forward Decision List was noted. Minutes: The Forward Decision List was noted. |
MATTERS REFERRED TO CABINET FROM OTHER BODIES To receive any comments and recommendations from other Council bodies which meet after the dispatch of this agenda.
Decision: The Regeneration and Development Panel at its meeting on 30 January 2024 considered the following items:
Lynnsport 1 – Development Update – The Panel supported the recommendations.
Acquisition of Homes – The Panel Supported the recommendations Minutes: The Regeneration and Development Panel at its meeting on 30 January 2024 considered the following items:
Lynnsport 1 – Development Update – The Panel supported the recommendations.
Acquisition of Homes – The Panel Supported the recommendations |
Decision: RECOMMENDED: That updated Anti Fraud and Anti Corruption Policy be adopted.
Reason for Decision
Where people commit fraud against the public sector and public services, they take money away from the services on which the public depend, and damage citizens’ trust in the government. The Borough Council of King’s Lynn and West Norfolk (the Council) is committed to protecting the public funds entrusted to it and to upholding the highest standards of financial probity and accountability. This Policy outlines the important work being carried out, and the roles and responsibilities across the organisation in our fight against fraud and corruption. Minutes: Click here to view the recording of this item on You Tube
Cabinet considered a report which set out a policy review to replace the current Anti-Fraud & Anti-Corruption Policy which was formally approved on 8th July 2021.
The policy had been reviewed to amend titles / officers with roles within the policy due to personnel changes and confirm the policy remained up to date with national strategy / legislation. To also include details of further controls and anti-fraud/anti-corruption activities undertaken across the organisation, including by Financial Services and Procurement.
Alongside this document was a suite of procedures that were contained within the Investigation Procedure Manual that was regularly reviewed.
Councillor Moriarty drew attention to the fact that it was looking at how to improve training for members and what e learning was available.
RECOMMENDED: That updated Anti Fraud and Anti Corruption Policy be adopted.
Reason for Decision
Where people commit fraud against the public sector and public services, they take money away from the services on which the public depend, and damage citizens’ trust in the government. The Borough Council of King’s Lynn and West Norfolk (the Council) is committed to protecting the public funds entrusted to it and to upholding the highest standards of financial probity and accountability. This Policy outlines the important work being carried out, and the roles and responsibilities across the organisation in our fight against fraud and corruption. |
LYNNSPORT 1 (VALENTINE PARK) DEVELOPMENT UPDATE Decision: RESOLVED: That the following be approved:
1) To proceed with the Lynnsport 1 development to deliver 96 homes with Lovell Partnership Limited (LPL) under the Major Housing Partnership Development Management Agreement (30 April 2015).
2) That the Executive Director - Place, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Business and Monitoring Officer be given delegated authority to approve the final terms of a Project Partnering Contract (PPC) 2000 with LPL to deliver this project.
3) That the Council shall dispose of the properties in accordance with the tenure mix as set out in Table 2 of the report. In line with the corporate strategy.
4) Pending the transfers referred to at resolution 3 above, the affordable and private rented tenures may be leased to WNHC and WNPL respectively.
5) That the Development be formally classed as a Major Project.
1) That Council approve the Capital budget estimate as detailed in section 5 and appendix 2 of the report.
Reason for Decision
· Deliver housing of a range of tenures to meet local needs · To deliver on Council Corporate Objectives: o Promote growth and prosperity to benefit West Norfolk; o Protect our environment; o Efficient and effective delivery of our services; and, o Support our communities. · To deliver affordable and private rented (PRS) housing for acquisition by the council’s wholly owned housing companies to support the delivery of council corporate objectives. · As a major project, it may be monitored by the Members Major Project Board. · Cabinet did not resolve to exclude the press and public for discussion on the exempt appendix.
Minutes: Click here to view the recording of this item on You Tube
Cabinet considered a report giving an update on the Lynnsport 1 development, seeking final approval to proceed with the scheme.
It was noted that there was a robust debate on the report and project at the Regeneration and Development Panel which had included the request for a speed reduction device on the site which would be incorporated, and issues raised on unadopted roads. Reassurance was given that the roads would be brought up to standard and then placed into the Management Company for the site where contributions would be made by homeowners towards maintenance.
Councillor Beales confirmed that relating to finishings, the housing company would try for betterment in its development rather than the minimum. He drew attention to the history of the site which had originally been a hockey pitch, which was relocated in readiness for the development, giving 2 new hockey pitches and tennis courts. The original planning permission was no longer viable so had been amended. He also drew attention to the strategic move of the school on Edward Benefer Way had also been relocated to the new site on Lynnsport providing new facilities with easier access for the children attending.
Councillor Beales also suggested that in order to permit member overview of the project, there should be a formal resolution for the project to be classed as a major project, in order for the Member Major Project Board to monitor the project. This was agreed.
RESOLVED: That the following be approved:
1) To proceed with the Lynnsport 1 development to deliver 96 homes with Lovell Partnership Limited (LPL) under the Major Housing Partnership Development Management Agreement (30 April 2015).
2) That the Executive Director - Place, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Business and Monitoring Officer be given delegated authority to approve the final terms of a Project Partnering Contract (PPC) 2000 with LPL to deliver this project.
3) That the Council shall dispose of the properties in accordance with the tenure mix as set out in Table 2 of the report. In line with the corporate strategy.
4) Pending the transfers referred to at resolution 3 above, the affordable and private rented tenures may be leased to WNHC and WNPL respectively.
5) That the Development be formally classed as a Major Project.
1) That Council approve the Capital budget estimate as detailed in section 5 and appendix 2 of the report.
Reason for Decision
· Deliver housing of a range of tenures to meet local needs · To deliver on Council Corporate Objectives: o Promote growth and prosperity to benefit West Norfolk; o Protect our environment; o Efficient and effective delivery of our services; and, o Support our communities. · To deliver affordable and private rented (PRS) housing for acquisition by the council’s wholly owned housing companies to support the delivery of council corporate objectives. · As a major project, it may be monitored by the Members Major Project Board. · Cabinet did not resolve to ... view the full minutes text for item CAB106 |
The Cabinet is asked to consider excluding the public from the meeting under section 100A of the Local Government Act 1972 for consideration of the items below on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined by paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Act, and that the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information.
PRIVATE ITEM Details of any representations received about why the following reports should be considered in public will be reported at the meeting.
Decision: RESOLVED: That under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Act.
Minutes: Click here to view the recording of this item on You Tube
RESOLVED: That under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Act.
ACQUISITION OF HOMES Decision: RESOLVED: 1) That an amount of £1,230,000of S.106 affordable housing contributions held by the Council be used towards the purchase 6 new build properties identified in section 2.1 of the report to be used as temporary accommodation in King’s Lynn
2) That authority is delegated to the Executive Director - Place in consultation with the Assistant Director of Property to negotiate and agree the terms of purchase.
3) That the subsequent freehold transfer to West Norfolk Housing Company be approved subject to agreement from West Norfolk Housing Company.
4) That Authority to agree the terms of any future transfer to West Norfolk Housing is delegated to Assistant Director Finance in consultation with the Assistant Director for Legal, Governance and Licensing (Monitoring Officer) and portfolio holder for Finance and Executive Director - Place
5) That authority to submit any potential future funding bids to central government funding rounds in relation to the Local Authority Housing Fund (as per para 5.4 of the report) to fund the purchase of 6 of the properties is delegated to Assistant Director Finance in consultation with the portfolio holder for Finance and Executive Director - Place.
Reason for Decision To ensure that the Council fulfils its statutory duties in relation to homelessness and has an appropriate supply of temporary affordable accommodation available to meet increasing housing need.
Minutes: Cabinet considered a report which sought agreement to purchase seven new build properties as affordable housing utilising funding received via developer S.106 contributions and Local Authority Housing Fund (LAHF) round 2 funding. The properties would be used initially as temporary accommodation for homeless families. The purchase of these properties was in response to an increasing need for temporary accommodation. This additional provision would help the Council to fulfil its statutory duties in relation to housing and support strategic objectives of preventing homelessness.
D Hall Assistant Director declared a non pecuniary interest in the item as a Director of the West Norfolk Housing Company and drew attention to the need to amend the title of the Executive Director Place in the recommendation.
The Strategic Housing Manager gave an update on the valuation of the properties, and the potential to utilise any future LAHF funding should it come available before the end of the financial year.
It was noted that the Regeneration and Development Panel had supported the recommendations.
RESOLVED: 1) That an amount of £1,230,000of S.106 affordable housing contributions held by the Council be used towards the purchase 6 new build properties identified in section 2.1 of the report to be used as temporary accommodation in King’s Lynn
2) That authority is delegated to the Executive Director - Place in consultation with the Assistant Director of Property to negotiate and agree the terms of purchase.
3) That the subsequent freehold transfer to West Norfolk Housing Company be approved subject to agreement from West Norfolk Housing Company.
4) That Authority to agree the terms of any future transfer to West Norfolk Housing is delegated to Assistant Director Finance in consultation with the Assistant Director for Legal, Governance and Licensing (Monitoring Officer) and portfolio holder for Finance and Executive Director - Place
5) That authority to submit any potential future funding bids to central government funding rounds in relation to the Local Authority Housing Fund (as per para 5.4 of the report) to fund the purchase of 6 of the properties is delegated to Assistant Director Finance in consultation with the portfolio holder for Finance and Executive Director - Place.
Reason for Decision To ensure that the Council fulfils its statutory duties in relation to homelessness and has an appropriate supply of temporary affordable accommodation available to meet increasing housing need.