Agenda, decisions and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber, Town Hall, Saturday Market Place, King's Lynn PE30 5DQ. View directions

Contact: Sam Winter, Democratic Services Manager 01553 616327 

No. Item



To approve the Minutes of the Meeting held on 15 November 2022   (previously circulated).



RESOLVED:  The Minutes of the meeting held on 15 November 2022 were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chair.


RESOLVED:  The Minutes of the meeting held on 15 November 2022 were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chair.



To consider any business, which by reason of special circumstances, the Chair proposes to accept, under Section 100(b)(4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972.



The Chair reported that the Chief Executive had published an urgent delegated decision on Community Energy Saving Measures under the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.  There was a report on the wider matter to come to the 7 February 2023 meeting, but the element of Lily providing energy saving measures to help households within west Norfolk was deemed as urgent as the winter was in full swing and now was when the assistance was required.


Click here to view the recording of this item on You Tube


The Chair reported that the Chief Executive had published an urgent delegated decision on Community Energy Saving Measures under the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.  There was a report on the wider matter to come to the 7 February 2023 meeting, but the element of Lily providing energy saving measures to help households within west Norfolk was deemed as urgent as the winter was in full swing and now was when the assistance was required.



Please indicate if there are any interests which should be declared.  A declaration of an interest should indicate the nature of the interest (if not already declared on the Register of Interests) and the agenda item to which it relates.  If a disclosable pecuniary interest is declared, the member should withdraw from the room whilst the matter is discussed.


These declarations apply to all Members present, whether the Member is part of the meeting, attending to speak as a local Member on an item or simply observing the meeting from the public seating area.







To receive any Chair’s correspondence.







To note the names of any Councillors who wish to address the meeting under Standing Order 34.


Members wishing to speak pursuant to Standing Order 34 should inform the Chair of their intention to do so and on what items they wish to be heard before a decision on that item is taken.



Councillors S Collop, C Joyce, J Moriarty and M de Whaley


Councillors R Blunt, S Collop, C Joyce, J Moriarty (on Zoom) and M de Whalley (in person)



To report on any Cabinet Decisions called in.


Cabinet noted that the call in on the Waste Contract Re-investing Performance Deductions had been considered by CPP on 4/1/23 and not upheld.


Click here to view the recording of this item on You Tube


Cabinet noted that the call in on the Waste Contract Re-investing Performance Deductions had been considered by CPP on 4/1/23 and not upheld.



A copy of the Forward Decisions List is attached



The Forwards decisions list was noted


The Forwards decisions list was noted



To receive any comments and recommendations from other Council bodies which meet after the dispatch of this agenda. 



The Regeneration and Environment Panel had commented on the West Winch Growth Area Masterplan and supported the recommendations, and the Parkway item, supporting the recommendations.


Click here to view the recording of this item on You Tube


The Regeneration and Environment Panel had commented on the West Winch Growth Area Masterplan and supported the recommendations, and the Parkway item, supporting the recommendations.



Additional documents:


RECOMMENDED:  That the contents of the report be noted and the West Winch Growth Area Framework Masterplan SPD (Appendix 3 to the report) be adopted and used as a material consideration in the determination of planning applications;


Reason for Decision


Adoption of the West WinchGrowth Area Framework Masterplan SPD will provide guidance to assist in the determination of planning applications that fall within the West Winch Growth Area. The adoption of the SPD will ensure general conformity with the policies contained in the Council’s Core Strategy (2011), the Site Allocations and Development Management Policies (2016) which are being carried forward into the Local Plan Review.



Click here to view the recording of this item on You Tube


Cabinet considered The West Winch Growth Area Framework Masterplan Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) which built upon and provided more detailed advice and guidance on policies in the adopted Core Strategy (2011), the Site Allocations and Development Management Policies (2016) relating to the West Winch Growth Area which were being carried forward into the Local Plan Review and the North Runcton & West Winch Neighbourhood Plan (2018).


The SPD set out the expectations on design, house mix, sustainability and green credentials, as well as the need to consider the impact on heritage assets and biodiversity. The SPD set out at a very high level, the location of the new housing access road, where development was considered suitable, ensuring that there was a degree of separation from the development and the village of North Runcton, while integrating with existing development and facilities in West Winch.


The SPD had been subject to a statutory consultation and responses had been considered and subsequent amendments made to the SPD. It was now for the Council to consider adopting the SPD to be used as a material consideration in the determination of planning applications in the West Winch Growth Area.


Under standing order 34 Councillor de Whalley addressed the Cabinet and requested that as he considered as the Local Plan Examination was suspended and he had concerns about and considered there was uncertainty around the traffic and transport elements,  that this document should not now be considered until the Examination was completed.


Under standing order 34 Councillor Joyce addressed Cabinet drew attention to the suspension of the Local Plan Examination and commented that a Local Transport Infrastructure Plan for West Norfolk should have been prepared by the County Council and that he considered there should be a railway station at South Lynn.


Under standing order 34  who was not able to be present at the meeting Councillor Blunt commented that whilst interested to hear the comments made then drew attention to the fact that the Local Plan Examination was totally separate to this matter as it was a current allocation.


Cabinet debated the item and drew attention to the fact that the recommendation was to approve the Masterplan which included the issues raised at the meeting such as infrastructure and schools. Reassurance was given that continued engagement would continue with the parish councils.


It was noted that the Regeneration and Environment Panel had considered the item and supported the recommendations.


RECOMMENDED:     That the contents of the report be noted and the West Winch Growth Area Framework Masterplan SPD (Appendix 3 to the report) be adopted and used as a material consideration in the determination of planning applications;


Reason for Decision


Adoption of the West WinchGrowth Area Framework Masterplan SPD will provide guidance to assist in the determination of planning applications that fall within the West Winch Growth Area. The adoption of the SPD will ensure general conformity with the policies contained in the  ...  view the full minutes text for item CAB104


COUNCIL TAX SUPPORT SCHEME 2023/24 (including NoM 11/22) pdf icon PDF 436 KB

Additional documents:


RECOMMENDED:     That the draft Council Tax Support scheme for 2023/2024 which went to public consultation be recommended to Council as the final CTS scheme for 2023/2024.


Reason for Decision


To ensure a CTS scheme for working age people for 2023/2024 is agreed by full Council by 11 March 2023.


Click here to view the recording of this item on You Tube


Cabinet considered a report which explained that the council must implement a Council Tax Support (CTS) scheme for its working age residents for each financial year.  A draft CTS scheme had to be decided and opened for public consultation, and then must agree a final CTS scheme, taking into account the consultation responses.


Since 2017, authority had been delegated to the council Leader, in consultation with the relevant Portfolio Holder and the s151 Officer, to agree the draft CTS scheme. The draft CTS scheme was open for consultation from 1 November 2022 to 12 December 2022.  25 responses were received and were included in this report.


The final CTS scheme for 2023/2024 was a continuation of the 2022/2023 CTS scheme, with two minor changes to keep it in line with wider welfare reform changes. 


The report addressed Notice of Motion 11/22 proposed by Councillor Jones and seconded by Councillor Ryves: 


"This Council recognises that the cost-of-living crisis is adversely affecting many local people, especially people on very low incomes.  This Council additionally notes that it has a very high General Reserve Fund of over £8 million above the recommended level.  This Council further notes to increase the Council Tax Support Scheme to 100% to every eligible Council Taxpayer based on last year's figures will run to less than £30,000 to this Council.  Therefore, this Council approves increasing its Council Tax Support Scheme to 100% to every eligible Council Taxpayer."


The report set out that the impact of increasing the CTS Scheme so it covered up to 100% of the council tax bill is shown at 4.3 in the report. 


It was noted that making the change would reduce the council’s taxbase by 126.5 band D properties, lowering the total council tax income by £255,000, and our own income by £17,600.  This figure was lower than last year as the maximum weekly council tax that could be paid had increased to 84% this year.


This was an ongoing cost which would impact the taxbase in 2023/2024 and future years.


Under standing order 34 Councillor Joyce drew attention to the additional cost of the proposal by Councillor Jones for 100% level of support of which only £17,600 would be payable by this authority, with the larger portions payable by the county and police authorities. He encouraged adoption of 100% support.


Cabinet debated the report, and drew attention to other areas of support the Borough was offering to families.  It was also noted that the proposal in the report of 84% was broadly in line with the other Norfolk authorities and that an increase to 100% would have much larger budgetary consequences for the County and Police authorities.  Attention was also drawn to the majority of consultees commenting that the level of support was at the right level.


RECOMMENDED:     That the draft Council Tax Support scheme for 2023/2024 which went to public consultation be recommended to Council as the final  ...  view the full minutes text for item CAB105




RESOLVED:  1)         That the recommendations from the Environment and Community Panel, as set out in the report, are passed to the Cabinet Biodiversity Task Group for consideration.


2)            That the Environment and Community Panel be kept updated on progress with the recommendations as appropriate.


Reason for Decision


To promote urban wildlife in the Borough of King’s Lynn and West Norfolk.


Reason for Decision


To promote urban wildlife in the Borough of King’s Lynn and West Norfolk.



Click here to view the recording of this item on You Tube


Cabinet received a report which explained that at its meeting on 9th June 2021 the Environment and Community Panel established an Informal Working Group to look at Urban Wildlife.  This report presented the recommendations from the Group, which had been supported by the Environment and Community Panel, for the Cabinet to consider.


Cabinet was advised that given the fact the Biodiversity Task group had already been agreed, and there was a general drive to improve biodiversity, it was considered that the only feasible option was that the recommendations of the Group should be supported by Cabinet and taken forward. In addition, the new Biodiversity Task Group would be the ideal forum to discuss these recommendations from Environment and Community Panel.


Under standing order 34 Councillor de Whalley supported the recommendations.


Cabinet debated the report and recommendations and supported the proposals and commended the work done to date.


RESOLVED:  1)         That the recommendations from the Environment and Community Panel, as set out in the report, are passed to the Cabinet Biodiversity Task Group for consideration.


2)            That the Environment and Community Panel be kept updated on progress with the recommendations as appropriate.


Reason for Decision


To promote urban wildlife in the Borough of King’s Lynn and West Norfolk.





Additional documents:




1)   That Council be recommended to approve anamendment tothe Capitalbudget estimate from £48.367m to £54.462m, as detailedin section 9 of the report through a revised Capital Programme.

2)   That the Executive Director (Development Services), in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Development & Regeneration and Monitoring Officer begiven delegatedauthority to approve the final terms of a Project Partnering Contract (PPC) 2000 with Lovell Partnership Limited (LPL) under the Major Housing Partnership DevelopmentManagement Agreement(30 April2015) todeliver thisproject.

3)   Thatthe Councilshall disposeof theproperties as set out in Table 1 of the report, with the affordable and private rented tenures transferred to the Council’s wholly owned subsidiariesWest Norfolk Housing Company Limited (WNHC) and WestNorfolk PropertyLimited (WNPL).

4)   That the Executive Director (Development Services), in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Environment, the Portfolio Holder for Development & Regeneration, and the Monitoring Officer, determine the future management arrangements for the proposed wildlife and environment site to the East of the development.


Reasonfor Decision

·                To deliver on council corporate objectives: 

·                Delivering growth in the economy and with local housing

·                Protecting and enhancing the environment, including tackling climate change; deliver on the council’s commitment to be carbon neutral by 2035;

·                Improving social mobility and inclusion through stimulation of economic activity in the local area;

·                Creating and maintaining good quality places that make a difference to people’s lives.

·           To deliver affordable and private rented (PRS) housing for acquisition by the council’s wholly owned housing companies to support the delivery of council corporate objectives



Click here to view the recording of this item on You Tube

Cabinet considered a comprehensive report onthe ParkwayDevelopment Scheme which set out the situation to date and the proposals going forward,seeking finalapproval toproceed with the development.  The report set out the detail of the proposals including the financial elements, proposed tenure and environmental factors in the proposed build and surrounding ground.  The Chair reported that he hoped discussion and debate on the item could be kept in the public domain, but that should members wish to discuss the exempt appendices that would take place at the end of the item.  No requests were received to discuss the exempt papers.

The Assistant Director D Ousby in presenting the report updated members on some minor amendments to the report, a copy of which was published with the agenda papers.

Under standing order 34 Councillor de Whalley spoke on the report and raised issues such as flood risk, the climate crisis, the impact on future generations, Active travel which would mean it would be increasingly difficult to use the iron bridge for cycles and pedestrians.

Under standing order 34 Councillor Joyce commented that the scheme should cease and be accepted as a loss, as he considered there was nothing in it for the people living there. He also questioned the cost, the transfer to the Housing Company and the public subsidy of the scheme and suggested it should go out to competition.  He acknowledged tenants needed security of tenure.

Under standing order 34 Councillor Blunt drew attention to the need to provide homes for people.  He congratulated officers on the comprehensive report, and drew attention to the fact that the Regeneration and Development Panel supported it and commented that this was the best site in King’s Lynn for houses.  He considered the design and quality as excellent.

In debating the report by  Cabinet attention was drawn to the fact that they considered most people objecting to the development were those who had a home whereas many young people were not able to have houses whether rented shared ownership or purchased unless they were developed.  The immense pressure to provide homes in the Borough was referred to.

Cabinet commented that the environmental elements taken into account in the proposed build were second to none.  The high costs involved were referred to but the benefits provided by the scheme were high.

Attention was drawn to the earlier scheme where more houses were proposed, but that after listening to the objections, the 226 was now proposed, the changes in which were supported when they were made and the high standards of environmental elements were supported.  Work was also planned with the NWT for the land adjacent.  Officers were thanked for the comprehensive report. 


1)   That Council be recommended to approve anamendment tothe Capitalbudget estimate from £48.367m to £54.462m, as detailedin section 9 of the report through a revised Capital Programme.

2)   That the Executive  ...  view the full minutes text for item CAB107