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Contact: Kathy Wagg on 01553 616276 Email:
No. | Item |
To consider and determine the attached Schedule of Planning Applications submitted by the Executive Director. Minutes: The Chairman welcomed everyone to the Reconvened Meeting of the Planning Committee following the site visits held earlier in the day. She advised that the meeting was being recorded and streamed live on You Tube.
The Democratic Services Officer then carried out a roll call to determine attendees.
Apologies for absence Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors F Bone, C Bower, B Lawton, E Nockolds, S Patel, J Rust, M Storey and D Tyler. |
Appointment of Vice-Chair for the meeting Minutes: RESOLVED: That Councillor C J Crofts be appointed as Vice-Chair for the meeting.
Declarations of interest Minutes: Councillor Squire declared an interest in planning application 8/3 (e) Marshland Street, Terrington St Clement and left the meeting during consideration of the item.
Decisions on applications following site visits held earlier in the day Minutes: (a) 18/00940/OM Terrington St Clement: Church Farm Distribution Depot, Northgate Way, PE34 4LL: Outline application: Erection of 76 dwellings with means of site access following demolition of existing structures
Click here to view a recording of this item on You Tube
Following the meeting held on 15 June 2022, the Senior Planner recommended that an additional condition 35 regarding bat boxes should be imposed and read this out to the Committee. The key issues had been outlined on page 26 of the agenda. Access would be provided from Northgate Way and there was an indicative plan showing the 76 dwellings. There was also an indicative secondary access shown to the allocated site and a pedestrian link to Churchgate Way to the west. She also confirmed that the whole of Terrington St Clement was in Flood Zones 2 and 3. She also provided further information regarding the sequential test.
Councillor Parish expressed concern in relation to the application in terms of overdevelopment of this site (76 dwellings) and the adjoining site (44 dwellings), traffic along Benn’s Lane and the access being poor.
The Chairman, Councillor Mrs Spikings drew the Committee’s attention to the comments from the Local Highways Authority.
Councillor de Whalley stated that the current site had been included within the emerging Local Plan, which had not yet been adopted. He stated that his concerns related flooding and asked questions of the sequential test. He added that he had concerns regarding the soundness of the Local Plan and therefore this application with regard to flood risk. He considered that there were better sites across West Norfolk than this site. He also felt that a safe access and escape route should be provided in the event of a flood. He also had concerns over the traffic using Benn’s Lane. He therefore proposed that the application should be refused, which was seconded by Councillor Squire on the grounds that the application was contrary to the NPPF paragraphs 161 and 162.
The Assistant Director advised that there had been no technical objection from the Environment Agency or County Highways Authority and, if the application went to appeal, then evidence would need to be provided to justify the reason for refusal of the application.
Councillor Squire added that the Parish Council did not want the proposal and County Highways were not saying that they supported the application. She made reference to an incident on Friday with traffic backed-up at school time in the village. She also considered that the proposal was over-development.
The Senior Planner explained the off-site highway works which were connected with the site that already had outline planning consent.
Councillor Bubb proposed that an additional condition be added to block-off the access into Benn’s Lane except for emergency services.
The Senior Planner advised that it was a Policy requirement to have a pedestrian, cycle and road link to the other site.
The Committee then voted on the additional condition to block-off the access into Benn’s Lame except for emergency access which ... view the full minutes text for item PC16: |