Agenda and draft minutes

Venue: Council Chamber, Town Hall, Saturday Market Place, King's Lynn PE30 5DQ. View directions

Contact: Kathy Wagg on 01553 616276  Email:

No. Item




The Chair welcomed everyone to the reconvened meeting of the Planning Committee and thanked everyone for coming.


She advised that the meeting was being recorded and streamed live to You Tube.


She invited the Democratic Services Officer to carry out a roll call to determine attendees


Apologies for absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Bone, Bubb, Devulapalli, Everett, Rose, Mrs Spikings, Storey, Tyler and De Winton.


Declarations of Interest




Determination of application



Hunstanton:  15 Lincoln Street:  New residential dwelling on land east of 15 Lincoln Street:  S Curtis


Click here to view a recording of the item on You Tube.


The case officer advised that the application was for an additional 1.5 storey dwelling to the east of the existing dwelling as noted from the site inspection held earlier that morning.


Councillor Long stated that he was disappointed with the number of Members who attended the site meeting.  He added that he found the site visit to be worthwhile as he could see the whole of the street-scene.


He therefore proposed that the application should be approved, subject to appropriate conditions, as he felt that it would be an attractive addition to the street-scene.  He added that other properties had been built up to the edge of the A149.


Councillor de Whalley added that he too found the site visit to be helpful and explained that he could see the officers point of view as to why they recommended refusal of the application as it would be overbearing on the gardens of the neighbouring properties.


None of the trees protected by a TPO but were protected as they were in the Conservation Area, but some had been taken down with the agreement of the Arboricultural Officer. He asked for an explanation as there appeared to be a conflict in description and process how the conservation area didn’t feed in to the TPO process and vice versa.   He also stated that it was clear that there was a distinct step between the proposed development and the back gardens of the adjoining properties and expressed concern in relation to drainage issue which needed to be resolved.  He added that the Leylandii hedge was moveable whereas a permanent structure could not be.


Councillor Blunt added that he could see the merits of developing the site but did not feel that this was the right proposal for the site in relation to height, positioning and levels.


Councillor Ring agreed with the comments made by Councillor Blunt and referred to the leylandii hedge was permanent and he would personally prefer a brick wall.  He added that if a solution could be brought forward in consultation with the Planning Department and would welcome a scheme to lower the overall height.


Councillor Ryves agreed with the comments previously made that the site did lend itself to development but would like to see a reduction in height and moved away from the boundary.


Councillor Anota added that if the site levels were the same then there would be less of an impact.


The Chair added that she agreed with the comments from Councillor Blunt and added that there was a variety of heights and styles in the vicinity but then when looking from the neighbour’s side she could see the encroachment onto the neighbour’s space.


Councillor Long then withdrew his proposal to approve the application.


The Democratic Services Officer then carried out a roll call on the recommendation  ...  view the full minutes text for item PC60: