Issue - meetings

Meeting: 02/05/2017 - Cabinet (Item 165)


Additional documents:


Cabinet considered a report which set out the process to date for the Boundary Commission’s review of the Borough Council area.  The Cross Party Task Group set up at the Cabinet meeting on 11 April 2017 met twice to consider the draft report and to discuss the number of Councillors for the future Council, along with the preferences for the number of Councillors per ward.


Following the first meeting on 12 April 2017, all Councillors were invited to a workshop session to discuss the Council’s position on numbers of Councillors.


Feedback from that session was given to the Task Group at its next meeting on 18 April along with information on the LGBC’s position to date on reviews carried out across Norfolk.  The Task Group considered this information and recommended to Cabinet that a proposal be taken forward for 54 Councillors for the Borough Council.


In considering the preferences for the numbers of councillors per ward the Task Group agreed to recommend that the preference would be for single member wards, but for larger areas 2 member wards, and only in exceptional circumstances should a 3 member ward be agreed in order to retain the community element.


The Boundary Commission had since recommended that the comments regarding the numbers of Councillors per ward and the fact that deliberation had been undertaken as to the number of Councillors should also be included in the report for further clarity.


Under Standing Order 34 Councillor Mrs Fraser addressed the Cabinet and asked if a person could register to vote if they had a second home.  It was confirmed that if they spent a good proportion of their time at the property they could register and vote in local elections, but only vote once.


In response to questions from Members on the mathematics of the proposals it was explained that the figure of 54 Councillors would give 2,274 electors per councillor.   It was explained that the next part of the process would be to fit the communities into wards for presentation to the Commission.  It was also confirmed that 4 member wards would not be permitted.


RECOMMENDED:   1)       That the report be approved for submission to the Local Government Boundary Commission, with the recommendation of 54 Councillors for the Borough Council of King’s Lynn and West Norfolk.


2)     That the preference would be for single member wards, but for larger areas 2 member wards, and only in exceptional circumstances should a 3 member ward be agreed and the reference to deliberations undertaken on the numbers be included within the report.


Reason for Decision


To agree the Borough Council’s submission to the LGBC on the future size of the Council.