Issue - meetings

Meeting: 06/12/2016 - Cabinet (Item 98)

98 Council Tax Discounts for Empty, Unfurnished and Uninhabitable Properties pdf icon PDF 179 KB


RECOMMENDED:      That option 3 set out in the report (to reduce the discount on empty properties to a period of one month and a discount on uninhabitable properties to 25% for 12 months) regarding the discounts for empty / unfurnished and uninhabitable properties be implemented from 1 April 2017 be adopted.


Reason for Decision


Amending the discounts will encourage owners of empty properties to bring them back into use and reduce the cost of awarding council tax discounts, bringing in extra income.



Cabinet considered a report which explained that since April 2004 the Council had had the power to increase the council tax charge for second homes.  Since April 2013 the Council had had the power to further increase the council tax charge for second homes, and to increase the charge for properties which were unfurnished, uninhabitable or long term empty, and to charge a premium of a maximum additional 50% for properties left empty for more than two years. 


The aim of these powers was to encourage properties back into use and raise additional revenue for areas affected by high numbers of second homes.  The report  set  out 3 options for changing discounts, giving the financial implications for each option.


Cabinet debated the issue, and points were raised on the importance of bringing properties back into use, and the fact that the exemptions that were in place included for probate purposes, and that for general sale purposes, a month would be permitted.


Under Standing Order 34, Councillor C Joyce asked how the Council would respond when a tenant had notified the Council they had moved, and at a later date the Landlord stated that the tenant was still in occupation to a certain date and therefore liable for the Council Tax rather than the Landlord.  Councillor Joyce also asked how a property was deemed uninhabitable.


The Revenues and Benefits Manager explained that the Council would look at all aspects of a case and each case would be considered on its merits.  With regard to deeming a property uninhabitable it was explained that the condition of the property and the level of furnishings within the property, such as a bed and a kitchen would be looked at.


Councillor Long proposed Option 3 as a recommendation to Council drawing attention to the fact that it would give a month’s grace and a discount of 25% would bring increased finances into the Authority.


RECOMMENDED:      That option 3 set out in the report (to reduce the discount on empty properties to a period of one month and a discount on uninhabitable properties to 25% for 12 months) regarding the discounts for empty / unfurnished and uninhabitable properties be implemented from 1 April 2017 be adopted.


Reason for Decision


Amending the discounts will encourage owners of empty properties to bring them back into use and reduce the cost of awarding council tax discounts, bringing in extra income.