Issue - meetings

Meeting: 25/10/2016 - Cabinet (Item 86)


Additional documents:


Councillor Beales presented a report which set out proposals for housing development sites owned by the Borough Council together with a number of options for the Council to consider.   The report requested that Authority was appropriately delegated from Cabinet to facilitate the successful delivery of the proposals set out within the report.


Under Standing Order 34, Councillor Pope commented that the stand alone sites could be sold quickly and asked that high quality housing be built, to which it was confirmed that this would be the proposal for some of the sites, although some may be used for the wider benefit, Members attention was drawn to the fact that high quality building was being undertaken with lower density than many other areas.


It was pointed out that the Regeneration and Development Panel had given consideration to the report and its proposals and supported them, whilst acknowledging the importance of the ability to be proactive so as not to miss opportunities because of the democratic processes required.


RECOMMENDED:  1)       That Delegated Authority be given to the Property Services Manager in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Regeneration and Industrial Assets and the Council’s Chief Finance Officer (and Section 151 Officer) to :


a)    assess the options and financial viability, including options for development funding, for each site outlined within this report;

b)    decide which option to pursue in the Council’s financial interest; and

c)     progress delivery of the sites identified in Schedule 1 within this report

2)              That the Capital Programme be adjusted as necessary if capital expenditure is required to deliver any of the housing units; and


3)              That the Legal Services Manager be given delegated authority to draft and finalise all necessary documentation, contractual or otherwise, associated with the proposed development and investment in the Council owned property assets set out within this report, including the creation of a wholly owned Limited Company, or companies, where necessary.

4)              That Delegated Authority be given to the Portfolio Holder for Regeneration and Industrial Assets and the Council’s Chief Executive to consider and approve, or otherwise, Businesses Cases put forward in respect of the creation of any wholly owned Limited Company, or companies necessary for the delivery and/or management of the sites identified within this report.


Reason for Decision

To facilitate the Council in delivering housing units, seeking the best possible approach in delivery and generating capital receipts and revenue income to contribute to the Council’s Capital Programme and revenue budgets.