Issue - meetings

Meeting: 25/06/2015 - Council (Item 21)

CAB12: King's Lynn Surface Water and Highway Infrastructure Improvements and Major Housing Development at Lynnsport and Marsh Lane - Compulsory Purchase Orders


RESOLVED: 1) That the Council makes a compulsory purchase order (or compulsory purchase orders) in respect of the parcels of land and interests referred to pursuant to Section 226(1)(a) Town and Country Planning Act 1990.


2) That the Property Services Manager be given delegated authority to make any necessary changes to the Order plan and to the interests which are to be acquired, should further information come to light requiring such amendments, in consultation with the relevant Portfolio Holder(s).


3) That the Legal Services Manager be given delegated authority to make and complete all necessary documents in relation to the private treaty acquisitions and/or the compulsory purchase orders as necessary.

Meeting: 10/06/2015 - Cabinet (Item 12)



Councillor Beales presented a report which reminded Members that the Council was seeking to progress the delivery of a new road that would link Edward Benefer Way to Lynnsport, Greenpark Avenue and Columbia Way, and the proposed residential development sites at Lynn Sport and Marsh Lane.  The Council was working with various agencies in seeking to deliver this major project.


In addition to the above, the Water Management Alliance (King’s Lynn Internal Drainage Board) was seeking to improve the surface water infrastructure around King’s Lynn to protect the town from flood hazard by diverting water flows from the Gaywood River catchment area during periods of flood risk.  The proposed diversion route included the Bawsey Drain that ran through Lynnsport and the North Lynn Drain that ran along the eastern boundary to the North Lynn Industrial Estate.  These surface water improvements required a Pumping Station site.


The provision of the new road would affect part of the surface water drainage system as part of the North Lynn Drain will need to be culverted to accommodate the road.  The culverting exercise would affect the drainage flows within the system and the rate of surface water run-off from the new road itself meant that down-stream capacity may need to be increased.


Councillor Beales explained that the site required for the Pumping Station, and the land required for increasing down-stream capacity were not owned by the Council, nor were they owned by the Water Management Alliance.  Authority was sought from the Cabinet (and Full Council) to acquire the sites identified within the report and to make use of Compulsory Purchase powers, if necessary.


The report identified the known interests and parcels of land proposed to be acquired and to be included in a Compulsory Purchase Order, or Orders, if necessary and the specific power under which the compulsory purchase order(s) would be made.  It was explained that should a landowner come forward after an Order had been made, compensation would be given.


Councillor Long drew attention to the overall benefit of the new pumping station which would ensure further protection for King’s Lynn in times of flood risk.


Councillor Daubney confirmed that the item had been debated at the Joint Panels Meeting, and had been accepted.  


RESOLVED:That Cabinet authorise the Property Services Manager, in consultation with the relevant Portfolio Holder to acquire the land, or secure rights as necessary, as identified within this report.


RECOMMENDED:  1)       That the Council makes a compulsory purchase order (or compulsory purchase orders) in respect of the parcels of land and interests referred to pursuant to Section 226(1)(a) Town and Country Planning Act 1990.


2)     That the Property Services Manager be given delegated authority to make any necessary changes to the Order plan and to the interests which are to be acquired, should further information come to light requiring such amendments, in consultation with the relevant Portfolio Holder(s).


3)     That the Legal Services Manager be given delegated authority to make and complete all necessary documents in  ...  view the full minutes text for item 12