Issue - meetings

Meeting: 17/09/2024 - Cabinet (Item 47)


Additional documents:


RESOLVED:           1)       That the Air Quality Action Plan for Railway Road/ London Road attached as Appendix 1 to the report be adopted.


2)     That the existing Gaywood Air Quality Management Area be revoked.



Reason for Decision

The Council is required to update the AQAP every five years.

The Gaywood Clock AQMA no longer exceeds the National Air Quality Objective annual mean objective for Nitrogen Dioxide and should be revoked.



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Councillor de Whalley presented the report which put forward a revised Air Quality Action Plan (AQAP) for adoption in relation to the Railway Road/ London Road Air Quality Management Area (AQMA). The revised AQAP followed statutory guidance LAQM PG (22) issued by DEFRA. The mitigation measures had been reviewed and updated with input from Norfolk County Council Highways and Public Health departments.


A review of the Gaywood Clock showed Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) levels had improved and an AQMA was no longer required at that location. 


Councillor de Whalley explained that although the Gaywood AQA was being revoked as per the government guidelines,  monitoring would take place on Queen Mary Road in the near future to monitor the Florence Fields area development for air quality.


Councillor Beales drew attention to the debate that took place at the Environment and Community Panel meeting.  He reminded members that the monitoring could be reviewed in the future.


Councillor Morley questioned the word “revoke” and whether it should be suspend. The Environmental Health Manager explained that it was a legal requirement when the area was in compliance it must be revoked, but did allow for continued monitoring with the additional monitoring at Florence Fields.


Councillor Moriarty reminded members that the Environment and Community Panel would ensure there was no complacency in the matter and continue to monitor.


RESOLVED:           1)       That the Air Quality Action Plan for Railway Road/ London Road attached as Appendix 1 to the report be adopted.


2)      That the existing Gaywood Air Quality Management Area be revoked.



Reason for Decision

The Council is required to update the AQAP every five years.

The Gaywood Clock AQMA no longer exceeds the National Air Quality Objective annual mean objective for Nitrogen Dioxide and should be revoked.