Issue - meetings

Meeting: 30/07/2024 - Cabinet (Item 30)



RESOLVED:   That the Performance Management Report and the delivery against the Corporate Strategy be noted.


Reason for Decision

Cabinet should use the information within the management report to review progress on the agreed actions and indicators and satisfy themselves that performance is at an acceptable level. Where progress is behind schedule members can seek additional information to explain variances.




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The Leader presented the Performance Management report which was produced to update Cabinet on progress against the Council’s Corporate Strategy and key performance indicators.  He drew attention to the debate on the item at the Corporate Performance Panel meeting.


The Corporate Performance Officer informed Members that the report contained information on progress made against key actions and indicators up to 31 March 2024.


She explained that there were 38 actions in place to monitor performance against the Council’s Corporate Strategy. The report confirmed that 19 of the actions were on target, 8 actions had minor issues/delays and 11 actions had been completed.


Of the 64 indicators for 2023-2024, 31 performance indicators had met or exceeded targets, 6 indicators had not met target by more than 5% and 1 indicator did not meet the target by less than 5%. 21 indicators would be reported as monitor only for 2023-2024 to allow sufficient data to be collected to help set targets for 2024-2025. 5 indicators would be introduced when new data processes had been established.


Councillor Ring asked if the extension of time given to Planning Applications was statutory or if any lobbying could be done to extend this.  It was confirmed it was set by the Government, but planning were working on the blockages in the process such as the untimely responses by other agencies.


Councillor Squire explained that she was aware that some authorities put a 28 day time limit on responses being made to planning application consultations. She explained that the tonnage for food waste was near target and that there would be a further recycling initiative in September, she also reminded members the fly tipping figures were contained in the report.


The Leader drew attention to the fact that the Peer Review suggested a monitoring system was to help inform members decisions.  He reminded members that extensions of time for planning, which were often required for responses from statutory consultees without which , important material planning considerations would be missed.  He suggested that further consideration would be given on further honing the indicators recorded.


The Leader also drew attention to the comments that the Corporate Performance Panel had raised about the car parking strategy not being brought forward so far.  He drew attention to the fact that this would come forward with the Cultural and Economic Strategies.


RESOLVED:   That the Performance Management Report and the delivery against the Corporate Strategy be noted.


Reason for Decision

Cabinet should use the information within the management report to review progress on the agreed actions and indicators and satisfy themselves that performance is at an acceptable level. Where progress is behind schedule members can seek additional information to explain variances.