Issue - meetings

Meeting: 30/07/2024 - Cabinet (Item 29)


Additional documents:


RESOLVED:   That the Productivity Plan, as amended to include at the end of 2.2.1  “The council will review how waste services are delivered in the future, to transform design and delivery to materialise proper gains and maximise flexibility to meet the needs of residents", be approved for submission to MCHLG. 


Reason for Decision


To ensure that the Council complies with the requirements set out by MCHLG to produce a Productivity Plan.


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The Leader presented the Council’s Productivity Plan report.  He explained that the document had been submitted to Ministry for Housing Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) in time for their deadline, subject to approval by Cabinet.


The Governance Manager explained that the report had been drafted in response to the Productivity in Local Government request from the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) now MHCLG. The plan required Member approval and had to be submitted to DLUHC and published on the Council’s website by 19 July 2024. Due to meeting arrangement constraints, it was be submitted to DLUHC, subject to final approval by Cabinet.   She also explained that the Plan and the questions it raised was a mechanism to be able to talk to Government about the issues.


Councillor Squires asked that the following wording be included at the end of paragraph 2.2.1 of the Plan:  “The council will review how waste services are delivered in the future, to transform design and delivery to materialise proper gains and maximise flexibility to meet the needs of residents".   The amendment to the Plan was agreed.


In response to a question regarding receiving feedback from Government on the content, the Governance Manager confirmed she would liaise with the LGA on this as all local authorities were in the same position.


Councillor Morley suggested the amended Plan be forwarded to the Council’s two MPs for their information and use. This was supported.


RESOLVED:   That the Productivity Plan, as amended to include at the end of 2.2.1  “The council will review how waste services are delivered in the future, to transform design and delivery to materialise proper gains and maximise flexibility to meet the needs of residents", be approved for submission to MHCLG. 


Reason for Decision


To ensure that the Council complies with the requirements set out by MCHLG to produce a Productivity Plan.