RESOLVED: 1) That the agreed accelerated timescale for the Local Plan through to adoption, as agreed with the Inspectors at the recent Examination hearings, and as set out in the updated Local Development Scheme (LDS), April 2024 be agreed.
2) That the requirement to consult on the Main Modifications, which is legally required to ensure that the Local Plan can be made sound be endorsed.
Reason for Decision
To ensure that the Local Plan process, including the upcoming Main Modification consultation is noted and endorsed.
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Cabinet considered a report which explained that the Borough Council formally submitted its Local Plan in March 2022 for Examination. In doing so the Borough Council made a formal request to the Secretary of State for the Department for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities that the appointed Inspectors recommend any modifications required to make the Local Plan legally compliant and sound.
The report explained that the Local Plan Examination process involved a first round of hearings which took place in December 2022 and January 2023. These were then adjourned, with reconvened hearings taking place in March and April 2024. As part of this an accelerated timescale through to adoption was agreed and had been published. This would result in the Local Plan being adopted before the conclusion of this financial year (March 2025). The process going forward included consulting on Main Modifications required to ensure that the Local Plan was legally compliant and sound.
These Main Modifications would be subject to a six-week public consultation. Representations received would inform the Inspectors Local Plan Report. It was anticipated that this would recommend that the Local Plan could be adopted subject to the inclusion of a series of Main Modifications. Following this a report would be prepared and taken to Cabinet and Full Council recommending that the Local Plan be formally adopted (February / March 2025).
In response to questions, it was explained that the item was not a key decision as this was an update report, not seeking to adopt the Plan. It was also confirmed that once adopted, the emerging Plan superseded the old policies.
The Local Plan Manager drew attention to the Local Development Scheme (LDS) which set out the timetable for the Local Plan process on the website. Consultation stages were communicated formally to everyone on the Local Plan consultation database, this included parish and town councils. A member bulletin item would be added to a suitable edition to cover the Main Modifications consultation which was currently scheduled to commence later in June. This would provide some concise information to assist members in imparting information in their wards.
The Local Plan Manager drew attention to information on the Local Plan process on the website and undertook to provide councillors with some concise information to assist them in imparting information in their wards.
In discussing Parish Neighbourhood Plans, it was reported that the subject was to be discussed at the KLAC, so any members wishing to learn more could watch the item.
Under standing order 34 Councillor Kemp made the comment that the bulk of the Government funding for the West Winch road was still awaited.
The Chair reminded Councillors of the need to understand what was in the Local Plan and comply with it to ensure the Council didn’t lose planning appeals.
RESOLVED: 1) That the agreed accelerated timescale for the Local Plan through to adoption, as agreed with the Inspectors at the recent Examination hearings, and ... view the full minutes text for item 17