Issue - meetings

Meeting: 24/05/2024 - Appointments Board/Investigating and Disciplinary Committee (Item 11)

To carry out interviews for the post of Chief Executive

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The Chair reminded Board Members of the decision to bring 3 candidates forward for the final interview stage and proposed the timetable for the day, which was agreed.


The Chair clarified that the Appointment Board’s recommendation would be considered by Cabinet and go on to Full Council for ratification.  He thanked Appointment Board members for their time and commitment to what had been a rigorous process with impressive candidates, and to all those who had supported the process. 


The Chair proposed that, following consideration of candidates, the Appointment Board recommended the appointment of Kate Blakemore to the position of Chief Executive.  This was unanimously agreed.


RECOMMENDED: That Kate Blakemore be appointed to the post of Chief Executive.


Meeting: 23/05/2024 - Appointments Board/Investigating and Disciplinary Committee (Item 7)

To agree the general framework and arrangements for selecting the recommended candidate to full Council


The Chair advised that the Appointment Board had been fully briefed by Council’s Recruitment Advisor, Julie Towers, on the proposed framework for the final interview day, and agreed with the arrangements that had been made.