Additional documents:
RESOLVED: 1) That an amount of £1,230,000of S.106 affordable housing contributions held by the Council be used towards the purchase 6 new build properties identified in section 2.1 of the report to be used as temporary accommodation in King’s Lynn
2) That authority is delegated to the Executive Director - Place in consultation with the Assistant Director of Property to negotiate and agree the terms of purchase.
3) That the subsequent freehold transfer to West Norfolk Housing Company be approved subject to agreement from West Norfolk Housing Company.
4) That Authority to agree the terms of any future transfer to West Norfolk Housing is delegated to Assistant Director Finance in consultation with the Assistant Director for Legal, Governance and Licensing (Monitoring Officer) and portfolio holder for Finance and Executive Director - Place
5) That authority to submit any potential future funding bids to central government funding rounds in relation to the Local Authority Housing Fund (as per para 5.4 of the report) to fund the purchase of 6 of the properties is delegated to Assistant Director Finance in consultation with the portfolio holder for Finance and Executive Director - Place.
Reason for Decision
To ensure that the Council fulfils its statutory duties in relation to homelessness and has an appropriate supply of temporary affordable accommodation available to meet increasing housing need.
Cabinet considered a report which sought agreement to purchase seven new build properties as affordable housing utilising funding received via developer S.106 contributions and Local Authority Housing Fund (LAHF) round 2 funding. The properties would be used initially as temporary accommodation for homeless families. The purchase of these properties was in response to an increasing need for temporary accommodation. This additional provision would help the Council to fulfil its statutory duties in relation to housing and support strategic objectives of preventing homelessness.
D Hall Assistant Director declared a non pecuniary interest in the item as a Director of the West Norfolk Housing Company and drew attention to the need to amend the title of the Executive Director Place in the recommendation.
The Strategic Housing Manager gave an update on the valuation of the properties, and the potential to utilise any future LAHF funding should it come available before the end of the financial year.
It was noted that the Regeneration and Development Panel had supported the recommendations.
RESOLVED: 1) That an amount of £1,230,000of S.106 affordable housing contributions held by the Council be used towards the purchase 6 new build properties identified in section 2.1 of the report to be used as temporary accommodation in King’s Lynn
2) That authority is delegated to the Executive Director - Place in consultation with the Assistant Director of Property to negotiate and agree the terms of purchase.
3) That the subsequent freehold transfer to West Norfolk Housing Company be approved subject to agreement from West Norfolk Housing Company.
4) That Authority to agree the terms of any future transfer to West Norfolk Housing is delegated to Assistant Director Finance in consultation with the Assistant Director for Legal, Governance and Licensing (Monitoring Officer) and portfolio holder for Finance and Executive Director - Place
5) That authority to submit any potential future funding bids to central government funding rounds in relation to the Local Authority Housing Fund (as per para 5.4 of the report) to fund the purchase of 6 of the properties is delegated to Assistant Director Finance in consultation with the portfolio holder for Finance and Executive Director - Place.
Reason for Decision
To ensure that the Council fulfils its statutory duties in relation to homelessness and has an appropriate supply of temporary affordable accommodation available to meet increasing housing need.