Additional documents:
RESOLVED: 1) That the Borough Council of King’s Lynn and West Norfolk policy and statutory process for Assets of Community Value, as attached to the report, be approved.
2) That the material update to the policy of changing the delegation to authorise Assets of Community Value from council officer to Portfolio Holder in consultation with the Executive Director of Place and relevant ward members be noted.
3) That delegated authority be given to the Monitoring Officer to make future non-material updates to the policy (non-material definition – amendments which will not significantly change the policy but will update in line with legislative changes or will achieve improvements to the process).
Reason for Decision
1) To approve the revised policy on Assets of Community Value to amend the decision-making process to reflect current Portfolio arrangements.
2) To enable non-material amendments to the policy to be made without the need for Cabinet and full council authority.
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Cabinet considered a report setting out an amended policy and statutory process for Assets of Community Value and the Community Right to Bid. It was noted that the policy had been simplified, and the decision making process was now through a members delegated decision, rather than an officer delegated decision. It was noted that it was within Cabinet powers to make the decision on this matter. In response to a question on if the Cabinet member with the delegation had an interest in the matter, it was confirmed the decision would be passed to the Leader.
Under standing order 34 Councillor Blunt commented that he was pleased to see the delegation to members, and asked how Parishes would be consulted on the process. It was confirmed that parishes were often the relevant party, but if not, ward members should ensure their attention was drawn to item.
Councillor Beales sought information on the budget provision for financial loss referred to section 5.1 of the report to which the Corporate Governance Manager undertook to provide the information.
It was noted that the Regeneration and Development and Joint Panels had supported the recommendations.
RESOLVED: 1) That the Borough Council of King’s Lynn and West Norfolk policy and statutory process for Assets of Community Value, as attached to the report, be approved.
2) That the material update to the policy of changing the delegation to authorise Assets of Community Value from council officer to Portfolio Holder in consultation with the Executive Director of Place and relevant ward members be noted.
3) That delegated authority be given to the Monitoring Officer to make future non-material updates to the policy (non-material definition – amendments which will not significantly change the policy but will update in line with legislative changes or will achieve improvements to the process).
Reason for Decision
1) To approve the revised policy on Assets of Community Value to amend the decision-making process to reflect current Portfolio arrangements.
2) To enable non-material amendments to the policy to be made without the need for Cabinet and full council authority.