Issue - meetings

Meeting: 20/11/2023 - Cabinet (Item 63)


Additional documents:


RESOLVED:           That the applications for CIL Infrastructure Funding, including the item of urgent business on the All Saints Church application, be approved.


Reason for Decision

To ensure that the CIL monies collected are being spent on appropriate

infrastructure projects to reflect the growth of population occurring in West



Click here to view the recording of this item on You Tube


Cabinet was reminded that as part of the process to allocate CIL funding to Infrastructure Projects, CIL applications were invited in January and July annually. The most recent round of applications included a number of bids over £30k. The CIL Spending Panel had delegated powers to approve and sign off applications up to £30k. All applications of £30,001 and over fell to Cabinet to make the decision under the CIL Governance framework.


Cabinet’s attention was drawn to the additional item agreed as urgent business by the Chair referred by the CIL Panel for the All Saints Parish Church application.  This application was supported.


Cabinet gave consideration to the list of applications submitted by the CIL Panel.  Councillor de Whalley moved an amendment on the applications from Grimston Hudson Fen and Snettisham Parish Council that they be awarded the full amount requested and that additional amount be taken from the Brancaster Coast Path application.  There was no seconder for the amendment.


Councillor Moriarty spoke against the amendment referring to the detailed consideration given at the CIL panel when making its recommendations, and the funding they had previously received.


Under standing order 34 Councillor Blunt spoke against the amendment citing the detailed consideration given to each of the applications at the CIL Panel, and commented that no such comment was made at the time.


Cabinet members discussed the amendment and were content that having viewed the discussions made at the CIL Panel the recommendations should stand and the amendment not be supported.


On being put to the vote the recommendations  set out in the report, and the additional item from All Saints Church were approved.


RESOLVED:           That the applications for CIL Infrastructure Funding, including the item of urgent business on the All Saints Church application, be approved.


Reason for Decision

To ensure that the CIL monies collected are being spent on appropriate

infrastructure projects to reflect the growth of population occurring in West
