122 Cabinet Report: Local Government Association - Corporate Peer Challenge PDF 130 KB
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The Executive Director presented the report to consider the Notice of Motion (16/22) presented to Council on 1 December 2022. It was resolved that the Motion be referred to Cabinet for consideration and decision.
It was explained that it was recommended that a peer review was undertaken every five years and that the last peer review was eight years ago.
The Panel was informed that following discussion with the LGA and given the elections in May 2023 it was suggested that it is appropriate for the peer challenge to take place in September 2023. This will provide time for the Council to settle post-election, prepare the position statement and timetable and avoid the summer holiday period.
The Chair thanked the Executive Director for the report and invited questions from the Panel.
There were no questions from the Panel.
RESOLVED: The Panel supported the recommendation to Cabinet as set out below:
That Cabinet:
1) Approve that a Corporate Peer Challenge be undertaken as set out in the report and the LGA scoping document.
2) Delegate to the Chief Executive in consultation with the Leader to agree the final details with the LGA to facilitate the delivery of the Corporate Peer Challenge.