Issue - meetings

Meeting: 03/10/2022 - Corporate Performance Panel (Item 31)

31 Q1 2022/23 Corporate Performance Monitoring Report pdf icon PDF 289 KB


Click here to view the recording of this item on You Tube.


The Corporate Performance Manager presented the report which contained information on the corporate performance monitoring undertaken for Q1 2022/2023.


The Chair thanked the Corporate Performance Manager for the report and invited questions and comments from Members, as summarised below.


Councillor Squire referred to section 3.8 and asked if the reduction in recycling had resulted in an increase in residual waste.  The Corporate Performance Manager agreed to find out and report back to the Panel.


Councillor Humphrey referred to section 2.4 relating to the percentage of rent arrears and commented that the 25% target was not very ambitious.  The Assistant Director, Property and Projects provided the Panel with the reasoning behind this target explaining that rent payments had been impacted by the pandemic, temporary legislation as a result of pandemic, and the economy.  He explained that work was now being carried out to recover rent arrears by working with the commercial businesses, implementing payment plans, ongoing negotiations and discussions.


The Panel discussed this performance indicator and it was proposed that more detail be brought to the Panel at a future date setting out the processes, policies and reasoning on what was being done to tackle commercial rent arrears.  The Monitoring Officer advised that the Panel could not consider the detail of individual cases and ongoing negotiations but could look at the theory and procedures in places to deal with commercial rent arrears.


Councillor Hipperson asked if indicators were benchmarked against other Local Authorities.  The Corporate Performance Manager explained that previously there was a national suite of Performance Indicators, so benchmarking could be carried out, but the national system, which was provided by the Audit Commission was no longer available.


Due to technical issues the continuation of the remainder of this item was deferred until later on in the meeting.


Click here to view the recording of the remainder of this item on You Tube.


The Corporate Performance Manager explained that he would look at what benchmarking was available and could bring back information to a future Panel meeting.


Councillor Nockolds referred to section 4.4 which related to Council Tax support and asked if this had a knock on effect with people going into arrears.  The Corporate Performance Managed explained that this target was now improving and hopefully in the next round of reporting it should be showing as green.


RESOLVED: 1. The Panel reviewed the performance monitoring report.

2. The Corporate Performance Manager to respond to outstanding issues.

3.  A report be scheduled onto the Work Programme to provide information on commercial rent arrears.

Meeting: 12/09/2022 - Corporate Performance Panel (Item 11.)

11. Q1 2022/2023 Corporate Performance Monitoring Report pdf icon PDF 289 KB