Issue - meetings

Meeting: 24/06/2022 - Cabinet (Item 28)


Additional documents:


RESOLVED:            1)         That the submission of the Oasis project under round 2 of the Levelling Up Fund as set out in the report be approved.


2)          That delegated authority be granted to the Chief Executive and S151 Officer, in consultation with the Leader, Portfolio Holder for Development & Regeneration and Portfolio Holder for Finance to agree the final application to be submitted to government by 6 July 2022.


3)            That the budget as set out in the report be approved to undertake further due diligence and development of project delivery requirements for the Oasis project in the period up to the outcome of the bid which is expected at the end of 2022.


4)            That subject to the successful outcome of the bid, a separate report be brought to Cabinet to approve the final scope of the Oasis project and to amend the capital programme for 2022-26 to incorporate the match funding and delivery requirements of the project.



Reason for Decision

To secure investment in the borough to support the ambitions to level up West Norfolk

The portfolio holder change to recommendation 2 reflects the interests declared in the meeting.


Click here to view the recording of this item on You Tube


Cabinet considered a report which provided an overview of the government’s Levelling Up Fund round 2 prospectus and requirements and opportunity for the Borough Council to submit an application, as a category 1, location by 6th July 2022.


The report recommended to Cabinet that a replacement for the Oasis leisure centre in Hunstanton be submitted under round 2 of the Levelling Up Fund.  This project would provide a new leisure and entertainment centre on a new site which would include and expand on the existing provision to meet the needs of the growing local communities and serve to support, grow and extend the season for the extremely important tourism economy of the area.


The Chair read letters of support for the Bid from James Wild MP and Hunstanton Town Council, and made reference to the support of the Town Deal Board and the Hunstanton Advisory group.  He also referred to the unprecedented positive response to the public consultation carried out on the proposal.


Under standing order 34 Councillors Kemp and de Whalley both expressed their support for the bid.


It was noted that the Regeneration and Development Panel had endorsed the recommendations.


Cabinet debated the item, congratulations were made to both Borough Council and Norfolk County Council officers who had worked tirelessly to bring this forward.  Support for the Bid was unanimous amongst Cabinet, with comments made supporting the inclusion of indoor bowling.


The Monitoring officer had offered advice on the issue of voting on the matter, Councillor Long expressed regret that he would have to abstain in the vote as he did support the proposal.


As the Deputy Leader had been advised to abstain as an Alive Board Member, it was agreed that the portfolio holder  in recommendation 2 should be replace with the Portfolio holder for Development and Regeneration.


In summing up the Leader confirmed it was a great opportunity for Hunstanton and the Borough which had the support of all parties.


RESOLVED:            1)         That the submission of the Oasis project under round 2 of the Levelling Up Fund as set out in the report be approved.


2)          That delegated authority be granted to the Chief Executive and S151 Officer, in consultation with the Leader, Portfolio Holder for Development and Regeneration and Portfolio Holder for Finance to agree the final application to be submitted to government by 6 July 2022.


3)            That the budget as set out in the report be approved to undertake further due diligence and development of project delivery requirements for the Oasis project in the period up to the outcome of the bid which is expected at the end of 2022.


4)            That subject to the successful outcome of the bid, a separate report be brought to Cabinet to approve the final scope of the Oasis project and to amend the capital programme for 2022-26 to incorporate the match funding and delivery requirements of the project.



Reason for Decision  ...  view the full minutes text for item 28