Issue - meetings

Meeting: 16/11/2021 - Cabinet (Item 70)

70 Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) - Application for a grant from the Infrastructure Fund for New Lynnsport 3G and Coaching Academy project at Lynnsport pdf icon PDF 785 KB


RESOLVED:            That the recommendation from the CIL spending Panel on the application to the CIL Infrastructure Fund be approved, and the grant be made, subject to the grant of planning permission.


Reason for Decision

To consider the recommendation from the CIL Spending Panel and ensure that the CIL monies collected are being spent on appropriate infrastructure projects to reflect the growth of population occurring in West Norfolk.


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The Assistant Director – Environment and Planning presented the report that explained that as part of the implementation of CIL applications were invited for the first round of grants. This included a bid under the ‘Strategic’ element of the scheme for the above project. The CIL Spending Panel recommended approval of the grant of £250 000. The decision fell to Cabinet to make under the CIL Governance framework. A Member objection had been received to the scheme as a whole and is outlined in the context of the CIL grant application


Under standing order 34 Councillor Rust addressed Cabinet speaking against the siting of a new 3G pitch on this site which she felt was free green space when she considered it could be placed elsewhere with less of an impact on residents.  She questioned the mitigated land mentioned in the report, the flooding of the pitches and the Fields in Trust status the area held. She suggested other organisations could site the pitch.


Under standing order 34 Councillor Joyce questioned the fact that the CIL level for King’s Lynn was zero and the use of the resource for a Council owned company.


Under standing order 34 Councillor de Whalley addressed the Cabinet drawing attention to a petition on the matter published today.  He re-iterated his view that community consultation should be carried out.


In debating the matter, attention was drawn to the fact that the CIL levels had been set by an independent assessment where it was deemed not viable to have CIL payments in Kings Lynn.  The number of CIL awards around the Borough which had been made was drawn attention to, and the report was being considered following the recommendation of the CIL Spending Panel.  Attention was drawn to the fact that the planning application process would involve a consultation process where comments could be made.


The use of Lynnsport and the proposed pitch as a resource for the whole Borough was reminded, and it was noted that the pitch would not take the whole area.  It was noted that the existing pitches did get water logged and they were areas where people walked their dogs whereas the 3G pitch would be.


In summing up the Leader reminded members it was a recommendation from the CIL panel, and the award would be made subject to planning permission.  The Planning Committee would give it due consideration including any comments made in its consultation process.  He drew attention to the report of the Football Facility Plan which drew attention to the need for further 3G facilities for the large number of teams in the Borough. He considered it a good scheme to put forward for planning.


RESOLVED:            That the recommendation from the CIL spending Panel on the application to the CIL Infrastructure Fund be approved, and the grant be made, subject to the grant of planning permission.


Reason for Decision

To consider the recommendation from the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 70