RESOLVED: That the streetlighting replacement scheme with the longer payback period be approved.
Reason for Decision:
To improve the council’s streetlighting (some of which have columns in need of replacement), achieve wider energy savings and help reduce the Borough Council’s carbon footprint to net zero.
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Cabinet considered a report which explained that in 2018 the Council started Re:fit Phase 1, in which Ameresco were selected to deliver energy efficiency and emissions reduction projects. Ameresco produced an investment grade proposal (IGP) for our last remaining project; improving the streetlighting portfolio.
Streetlighting was slipped from Phase 1 following an assessment of all of the Council streetlighting stock, which identified significant additional work required to identify what was required to allow all columns to be fitted with the new LED heads.
Ameresco were to install high efficiency LED lighting, by replacing units on a one for one basis. Streetlighting columns were also included within the replacement scope. From our 684 streetlights, 126 columns needed replacement due to having serious defects or having defects whilst being situated in a high-risk area.
Council approved £2,000,000 of capital funding on 29 November 2018 to progress the projects. This approval was granted assuming the identified schemes remained at or improved the agreed payback. Payback for the streetlighting project was identified at 17.30 years and for the total Re:fit project, at 10.50 years.
Following the streetlighting IGP, the payback period of 22.95 years was identified, which is outside of the above agreed payback terms. Cabinet were invited to approve the new payback period.
Under standing order 34 Councillor Parish asked for detail on the type of LED lighting to be used. It was agreed that this could be provided outside of the meeting.
Under standing order 34 Councillor Morley made reference to £2m being a lot of money for the scheme and suggested it was delayed for a joint procurement to potentially take place.
Councillor Long drew attention to the fact that the whole re-fit project had been £2m, with £1.4m already allocated elsewhere. The damaged or aged columns needed replacing at the same time as the lights. He drew attention to the fact the Treasury backed funding was awarded and the usage of Ameresco permitted the procurement benefits of national schemes.
Councillor Dark drew attention to the annual CO2 savings proposed, and the numbers involved, the budget had increased by a small amount.
RESOLVED: That the streetlighting replacement scheme with the longer payback period be approved.
Reason for Decision:
To improve the council’s streetlighting (some of which have columns in need of replacement), achieve wider energy savings and help reduce the Borough Council’s carbon footprint to net zero.