149 Temporary Event Notices and Covid PDF 94 KB
A request to add this item to the agenda has been received from Councillor Ryves (attached).
Officers will provide the Panel with an update on legislation and powers available to the Council. A guidance note has been prepared (attached).
Councillor Ryves will be given an opportunity to address the Panel.
Additional documents:
Click here to view the You Tube recording of this item.
A request for this item to be considered had been received from Councillor Ryves.
The Environmental Health Manager provided information to the Panel on the powers available to the Council and current legislation relating to Licensing.
Councillor Ryves addressed the Panel expressing his concerns about ensuring events were Covid secure and events in the rural community. He also referred to public safety, planning and highways and the statutory consultation process in relation to the Licensing process and Temporary Event Notices.
Councillor Ryves also raised concerns relating to noise pollution and the Environmental Health Manager explained that this did fall within one of the four Licensing Objectives; public nuisance and any objections from statutory consultees would need to be evidenced based. She also explained that the Licensing process had to consider Licensing Legislation and the four Licensing Objectives, other Legislation, for example Health and Safety, would have to be adhered to by the event organiser, but this was not a consideration for Licensing.
Councillor Ryves made comments about the local environment, especially if events were held near sites of special interest, and was concerned that this was not included in the Licensing regime. The Environmental Health Manager confirmed that this was not one of the four Licensing Objectives.
The Chair acknowledged the concerns expressed by Councillor Ryves, but explained that the Licensing regime was governed by Legislation and the Council could only work within the powers of it. He suggested that Councillor Ryves could try lobbying his Member of Parliament.
Councillor Kunes commented that Temporary Event Notices were a way of ensuring that one off events were carried out legally, could be controlled and have the necessary plans in place. He was concerned that if the Council tried to stop this it could result in events being held illegally.
Councillor Ryves suggested a designated area in the Borough for temporary events. He was also concerned that Parish Councils were sometimes unaware of Temporary Event Notices. Those present were reminded that all applications were published on the Council’s website.
The Environmental Health Manager reminded those present that the Council had to work within the realms of the Legislation.
Councillor Dark, Portfolio Holder for Environmental Services addressed the Panel. He explained that officers did work within the realms of the Legislation and referred Members to the briefing note which had been circulated with the Agenda which included advice from the Licensing and Legal Department.
Councillor Ryves proposed that an Informal Working Group be established to look in depth at the Licensing Regime and if there was any flexibility. This was seconded by Councillor Rust.
After being put to the vote the proposal to set up an Informal Working Group was lost.