Issue - meetings

Meeting: 26/10/2020 - Cabinet (Item 180)


To receive a verbal update on the Plan and Town Board


Councillor Middleton introduced the Town Board and the work which it had undertaken to produce the King’s Lynn Town Investment Plan.


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Councillor Middleton introduced the Town Board and the work which it had undertaken to produce the King’s Lynn Town Investment Plan. He explained that the document which had been put together by the Board which consisted of representatives from local businesses, COWA and the Hospital, would define the future of King’s Lynn town centre.


The Assistant Director Regeneration, Housing and Place explained that the Town Board, which had carried out extensive engagement with businesses and community groups, was in the best position to secure Government Funding.  The Plan set out opportunities for 5-10 years.


Under standing order 34 Councillor Ryves addressed the Cabinet commenting that he considered the Plan to be anodyne and officer led.  He considered it could be more commercial and concentrate on the town’s assets and links with other places.


Under standing order 34 Councillor Holmes asked if the equality impact assessment should read negatives or neutral for many of the groups shown.  It was confirmed that these should be showing as neutral, not negative.   Whilst confirming that he considered the proposed outcomes aspirational he also questioned if there was the capacity to deliver the schemes set out in the report and considered that the cases for affordability were weak.


Under standing order 34 Councillor Morley commented that he felt it was a pragmatic package of improvements for King’s Lynn, he was pleased to see improvements for youth and retraining included but disappointed that the CITB would not be involved.


Under standing order 34 Councillor de Whalley expressed concern about the lack of consultation with  West Winch and the Woottons parishes.  He expressed concerns about the sustainability of the proposals.


Councillor Long responded to the points made explaining that the submission to Government had to be made in a specific way and would be returned if not.  With regard to the affordability, he commented that if successful for any of the proposals finances would have to be made available.  It was also confirmed that CITB was well outside of the area for the scheme and that the parishes would be involved as schemes moved forward. 


Councillor Middleton in responding to comments reminded members that the Plan was not officer led but was put together and endorsed by the Town Board. 


Councillor Dark drew attention to the ambition in the document and Councillor Nockolds commended the number of businesses who had been involved and the consultation carried out.