Issue - meetings

Meeting: 26/10/2020 - Cabinet (Item 183)





RESOLVED:1) That delegated authority be granted to the Assistant Director in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Project Delivery sign the partnership contract and any necessary legal documentation required for the High Street Heritage Action Zone programme.


2) That delegated authority be granted to the Assistant Director to recruit a 3.5 year fixed term HS HAZ Project Officer to manage delivery of the programme


Reason for Decision

To allow the Council to access a major grant funding stream in line with the corporate strategy to support the vibrancy and viability of King’s Lynn’s town centre and contribute to the Recovery Plan in response to the Coronavirus pandemic.



The Assistant Director Regeneration Housing and Place presented the report which explained that the Borough Council had been offered the opportunity to become a High Street Heritage Action Zone (HSHAZ) by Historic England. This followed a successful expression of interest submission made in 2019.


Using other direct investment and complementary funding, the HSHAZ programme had the opportunity to deliver £1.8m of investment to support repurposing of the town centre on the High Street and Norfolk Street. The HSHAZ programme also included up to £120k additional funding, accessible to develop a Cultural Programme within King’s Lynn.


The report set out the programme for the HSHAZ and the commitment required from the council to enter the scheme with Historic England.


Under standing order 34 Councillor Ryves supported the project.  Councillor Holmes made reference to being conscious of some elements of the town. Councillor Morley sought clarification on partner funding.  Councillor de Whalley welcomed the proposed improvements which would show off the good architecture above the ground floor.


RESOLVED:1) That delegated authority be granted to the Assistant Director in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Project Delivery sign the partnership contract and any necessary legal documentation required for the High Street Heritage Action Zone programme.


2) That delegated authority be granted to the Assistant Director to recruit a 3.5 year fixed term HS HAZ Project Officer to manage delivery of the programme.


Reason for Decision

To allow the Council to access a major grant funding stream in line with the corporate strategy to support the vibrancy and viability of King’s Lynn’s town centre and contribute to the Recovery Plan in response to the Coronavirus pandemic.