Issue - meetings

Meeting: 22/09/2020 - Cabinet (Item 166)

166 Climate Change Policy pdf icon PDF 143 KB

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RECOMMENDED:     That the climate change policy be adopted.


Reason for Decision:

To provide a framework and approach for future climate change work done by the



Click here to view the recording of this item on You Tube


Cabinet considered the report which explained that the Motion to Council 5/19 was submitted to full council in October 2019. Council referred the motion to cabinet. The motion was discussed at cabinet on 4 February, 2020.


This was then agreed in Council on 7 July, 2020. Cabinets recommendations were as follows:

a. That officers be requested to prepare a climate change policy and separate strategy with action plan.

b. That the council fully recognise the evolving climate crisis and work towards Borough Council carbon footprint neutrality and net zero district carbon emissions. The dates will be determined considering emerging policies at the national and local level.

c. The current 12-month UEA intern post should be extended to a temporary 2-year fixed term post.


The report explained that this climate change policy was the first of 2 significant pieces of work requested by cabinet: the climate change policy and the climate change strategy and action plan.


It was pointed out that a climate change policy was needed to guide the direction of our climate change work going forwards. This policy provided a framework for other areas of council work to be referred against.


The policy would work alongside the council's corporate priority “protecting and enhancing the environment including tackling climate change”.


The policy highlighted our approach to tackling climate change, through reductions in our greenhouse gas emissions, as well as being the first step to embedding a positive climate change culture within the council.


Under standing order 34 Councillor de Whalley  addressed the Cabinet on the report stating he considered that the matter was under resourced by the Council, he gave statistics relating to climate change and emissions.  He stressed how important he considered it was to act quickly on this matter which he felt was a greater emergency than the current pandemic.


Under standing order 34 Councillor Ryes addressed Cabinet on the report.  He congratulated officers on the report and policy which he felt focussed the mind.


Cabinet members supported the report which was one further step in  a long journey. They thanked officers and Councillor Devereux who had been so involved whilst a cabinet member.  The comments from the Environment and Community Panel were taken into account.


RECOMMENDED:     That the climate change policy be adopted.


Reason for Decision:

To provide a framework and approach for future climate change work done by the