Issue - meetings

Meeting: 30/06/2020 - Cabinet (Item 140)


Additional documents:


The report was presented by Ms Alison Lowton, Independent Investigator.


RECOMMENDED:  That the findings of the KLIC Independent Inquiry as set out in the report attached to the agenda be recommended to Council.



Reason for Decision

In accordance with Council minute C:86 to present the outcome of the KLIC Independent Inquiry.



Click here to view the recording of this item on You Tube


The Chair introduced Alison Lowton, a legally qualified experienced investigator for public sector organisations, who had been shortlisted and attended an interview with the group leaders and the chief executive on 8 October 2019 and had been appointed to undertake the inquiry.


Ms Lowton presented her report to the Cabinet.  She informed Members that she had read all the papers relating to the inquiry including those of the Audit Informal Working Party which had carried out an investigation and had been impressed with the work carried out.  She explained that her report advised that pursuing a further inquiry would undermine the work already undertaken.    She reminded Members that she would have only been able to access any current councillors or officers, and that over time memories faded.  She did not consider that there would be anything further to learn from doing so.  She acknowledged that there would always be unanswered questions from some members, but she felt that the outstanding issues were not material and her recommendation was that no further action be taken.


The Chair thanked Ms Lowton for her report.


Under Standing Order 34, Councillor Ryves commented that he was surprised that the report did not uncover as much information as possible or take it further than the working group had done.   He considered that Ms Lowton had not exercised her duty to explore the outstanding issues and felt that a further investigation should take place.


Councillor Long reminded Members that it would be for full Council to decide if it was not happy with the work carried out.  He reminded Councillor Ryves of the need for courtesy, and that this was not the opportunity for debate.


Under standing order 34 Councillor Kemp drew attention to the fact that the report did not look at the relationship between the Borough and NWES.  She considered that the Audit Working Group should have been able to speak to NWES.  She considered that the working Group should be able to continue their investigation.


Councillor Long reminded members that it wasn’t for Cabinet today to decide that as it was to go to Council for consideration.  He commented that it was for Audit to decide upon their future arrangements, but drew attention to the comments of the Independent Person that there was no point in continuing when lessons were learned and the building was there, set up and working.


Under standing order 34 Councillor Joyce commented that he considered there were still a number of questions to be asked of NWES and Councillors past and present which he considered wouldn’t go away. He confirmed the Council would make its decision on it but he considered having a single investigator was a “white wash”.


Councillor Long reminded members that Ms Lowton’s appointment had been agreed by all 3 group leaders.  He acknowledged that there had been mistakes made by the Council but the report encouraged learn from the mistakes and move  ...  view the full minutes text for item 140