Issue - meetings

Meeting: 20/05/2020 - Cabinet (Item 130)


Additional documents:


RESOLVED:          1)       That the submission of projects to the FHSF as detailed in section 3-7 of the report be agreed.


2)      That delegated authority be given to the Chief Executive in consultation with the Leader and Portfolio Holder for Business Development to finalise the submission to Government.


3)      That officers be instructed to continue to work with Norfolk County Council to progress the proposals for the multi service hub and Southgates area including finalising any legal and funding agreements required.


4)    That recruitment commence, where appropriate, of key programme posts in preparation for the award and delivery of the FHSF and Town Deal programmes.


RECOMMENDED: That Council be requested to agree to revise the existing capital programme as detailed in section 13, subject to a caveat on the council’s ability to finance projects following an evaluation of the impact of Coronavirus on the budget position


Reason for Decision


To allow the Council to apply for a major grant funding stream in line with the corporate strategy to support the vibrancy and viability of King’s Lynn’s town centre and contribute to the Recovery Plan in response to the Coronavirus pandemic.


The Chair invited Assistant Director, Duncan Hall to present the report which detailed the proposals to be submitted to the Government under the Future High Streets Fund for King’s Lynn.  Work on the submission had continued after the Corona Virus outbreak which had affected the working arrangements of all involved. The report explained that the deadline for submission of the bid to the Government was 5 June 2020.


The fund was aimed at providing support to town centres to enable them to be sustainable for the future.  The total cost of the programme was estimated at circa £36m with an initial grant request of £23.4m, and included a new library and multi service hub; a new car park, refurbishment of the Guildhall complex and improved use of the Custom House; improved digital signage; replacement of the building projection system; and South Gate highway diversion and strategic landscaping.

The Regeneration Programmes Manager gave an explanation of the proposals for the South Gates bid and informed Members that more detailed figures would be worked up if the bid was accepted.


Assistant Director D Hall gave some details on the Community Hub proposal which would be led by the County Council which would include a new library and other community related facilities.


Councillor Middleton as responsible Cabinet Member supported the proposals which were aimed to improve the current facilities for the area, which was even more important with the pressures arising from the current pandemic.


Under standing order 34, Councillor Morely supported the proposals and suggested some ways to present the case particularly to emphasise the benefits for the socio economic  situation for the area.


The Chair agreed that the bid needed to demonstrate the benefits for the area, acknowledging that the Council was in competition with so many other Council’s for available funding.


Under standing order 34 Councillor Kemp made observations regarding the existing library building which she would have preferred to see the money spent on improving, and on the proposals put forward for the new library.  She considered that the area in front of the proposed library should be included in the bid and commented that if they weren’t already involved, the UEA and Health side should be involved.

The Chair drew attention to the Borough Council’s support of the bid by the fact it was being brought forward by the Borough working with the County Council.  He acknowledged that if the bid was successful,  the County Council would have to decide on a new use for the current building.


Under standing order 34 Councillor de Whalley registered his concern for the future of the existing library building and suggested that its future could be confirmed in the bid.  He confirmed he wanted to see the Guildhall and Custom House future  confirmed but considered that the scrutiny panel should have considered the bid.

The Chair confirmed that in the current circumstances and with the deadline date set by the Government, the processes had been hampered.  He appreciated that panels would  ...  view the full minutes text for item 130