Issue - meetings

Meeting: 04/02/2020 - Cabinet (Item 99)

99 Notice of Motion 6/19 Cllr F Bone - Hardings Way pdf icon PDF 153 KB


RECOMMENDED:      That Motion 6/19 be noted but that the detailed work requested as part of the Motion be completed as part of the future detail design phase and as part of any planning application should that option be taken forward as part of the King’s Lynn Transport Strategy (KLTS). 


Reason for Decision

To consider Motion 6/19



Councillor Blunt presented a report which responded to Notice of Motion 6/19 from Councillor F Bone on Hardings Way.  It sought to review the use of Harding’s Way for general traffic which had been put forward as one of two options for Harding’s Way as part of the King’s Lynn Transport Strategy.    He reassured members that no decision had been taken on this matter, but that it would be looked at when the projects were reviewed, modelling to see what Hardings Way could absorb, so in essence what had been requested in the Motion would happen, but in due course.


Councillor Bone had spoken in support of the Motion during the previous item.


Under standing order 34 Councillor Joyce made reference to a legal implication which he felt could potentially cause problems and would trigger a legal challenge.  He undertook to speak to Councillor Blunt after the meeting.


RECOMMENDED:      That Motion 6/19 be noted but that the detailed work requested as part of the Motion be completed as part of the future detail design phase and as part of any planning application should that option be taken forward as part of the King’s Lynn Transport Strategy (KLTS). 


Reason for Decision

To consider Motion 6/19