Issue - meetings

Meeting: 03/12/2019 - Environment and Community Panel (Item 56)

56 Presentation from Friends of Horsey Seals - Keeping Seals Safe from Plastic Flying Rings pdf icon PDF 4 MB

Members will receive information on the above campaign from a representative from Friends of Horsey Seals.


Those present received information on the campaign to keep seals safe from Plastic Flying Rings.  A copy of the presentation is attached.


The Chair thanked Jennifer Hobson from Friends of Horsey Seals for her presentation and invited questions and comments from the Panel, as summarised below.


Councillor Kemp asked what, if any, powers the Council had.  The Leader of the Council, Councillor Long explained that the use of Public Space Protection Orders could be considered, however these were difficult to enforce and could not be used on private beaches.


Councillor Beal addressed the Panel under Standing Order 34.  He provided the Panel with information about an initiative he was leading on in his business whereby he would remove plastic packaging and netting from products he sold so that they were disposed of correctly and did not end up left on the beach.  He explained that he was trying to extend this to other businesses in the town.  With regard to the flying rings, Councillor Beal explained that he had contacted the makers of the products who were aware of the problems, but the product was popular.  He explained that some companies had now put a warning label on outer packaging.  Councillor Beal stated that he no longer sold the flying rings in his shop and he was encouraging others to be responsible and do the same.


Those present suggested the following in order to raise awareness of the issues:


·        An article be sent to the Norfolk Coast Guardian which was read by local people and tourists.

·        Inclusion of information in the Visit West Norfolk Brochure.

·        Signs at beaches and beach side businesses.

·        Leaflets available at Tourist Information Centres.

·        Stickers on bins.


Councillor Parish informed those present that he was Chair of the Single Use Plastics Informal Working Group and that the Group were looking at the type of information that was provided to tourists and in holiday lets.


Councillor Joyce commented that the campaign needed to be harder hitting in order to convey the damage that the flying rings could cause and the seriousness of the issue.


Councillor Kirk explained that he was a volunteer for Marine Divers and Seal and Shore watch and another problem was crabbing lines which could be easily purchased and then discarded after use.  He felt that control of theses would also be beneficial to marine life.


Councillor Squire asked if awareness had been raised inland as litter from inland which ended up in rivers could end up in the sea.


Jennifer Hobson thanked the Panel for their suggestions. 


RESOLVED: The information was noted.