Issue - meetings

Meeting: 12/11/2019 - Cabinet (Item 68)


Additional documents:


RESOLVED:That the Expression of Interest be submitted and delegated authority be granted to the Chief Executive in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Culture, Heritage and Health to make amendments as required and submit the document.



Reason for Decision


To enable the restoration of the Guildhall complex to take place and create a sustainable future for the site.



Councillor Nockolds presented a report which proposed the submission of an Expression of Interest (EOI) to the National Lottery Heritage Fund (HLF) for the Guildhall complex.


The report explained that the Council had continued to develop proposals for the Guildhall including setting it in a strategic context for Culture through the “Cultural Prospectus” and working with the Arts Council Norfolk Museum and Art Service and National Portfolio organisation. The Council now had a strong partnership approach with the National Trust and the Shakespeare Guildhall Trust in developing proposals for the site. Working with these bodies and taking forward the work of the Regeneration and Development Panel working group and subsequent discussion had resulted in a revised approach to the site to improve sustainability and flexibility of use while maintaining the historic uses. 


Under standing order 34 Councillor M de Whalley addressed the Cabinet in support of the proposal and commented that the Shakespeare’s Guildhall Trust had made comments on the expression of interest which he felt should be included in the document.  He felt that the term “minor” should be deleted from the recommendation.  This was agreed.  Councillor Nockolds reminded Members that there was a word limit to the submission.  It was also agreed to amend the delegation to the Chief Executive.


RESOLVED:That the Expression of Interest be submitted and delegated authority be granted to the Chief Executive in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Culture, Heritage and Health to make amendments as required and submit the document.



Reason for Decision


To enable the restoration of the Guildhall complex to take place and create a sustainable future for the site.