Issue - meetings

Meeting: 12/03/2019 - Regeneration and Development Panel (Item 93)

93 King's Lynn to Hunstanton Railway pdf icon PDF 4 MB

To receive a presentation from those involved in the campaign relating to the opening of the King’s Lynn to Hunstanton Railway.

Additional documents:


Howard Johnson who was involved in the campaign for the King’s Lynn to Hunstanton Railway gave a presentation to the Panel, as attached.


The Chairman thanked Howard Johnston for his presentation and invited questions and comments from the Panel, as summarised below.


In response to a question from Councillor Manning, it was explained that the campaign group ideally wanted a through service from Hunstanton to London.  He explained that tramways were an expensive option, however an electric railway was something that could be considered.  The overriding factor would be capital cost.


Councillor Smith commented that the historic railway had achieved a 10% return on investment.  He asked if the route of the railway had been planned.  Howard Johnston explained that there had been some ideas but the route was still unconfirmed.  He acknowledged that the route could not be exactly the same as historically because some areas had been developed. 


Councillor Tyler commented that the campaign group needed to get their message out and lobby the County Council.  He reminded the Panel that organisations were continuously lobbying for improvements to the rail service from King’s Lynn to London and Ely North Junction, however progress was slow.


Councillor Bird addressed the Panel under Standing Order 34.  He commented that he agreed with the content of the presentation.  He also referred to the Norfolk Greenways Project.  He commented that the Hunstanton Southern Seafront Masterplan was still awaited, but he felt that there needed to be a co-ordinated approach for the long term vision for Hunstanton which needed political buy in and joint working between the Borough and County Council.  He suggested that there should be a working party formed to look at the future of Hunstanton.


In response to questions from the Chairman, Howard Johnston explained that there were lots of organisations involved in the campaign for better transport.  He also explained that single track was cheaper to install, however in order to future proof any development, double track would be better.


The Chairman explained that he would consider the way forward at the next sifting meeting.


RESOLVED: The Panel noted the information.