Pursuant to Minute CAB122 : FinancialPlan 2018/2023of the Cabinet Meeting held on 5 February 2019, the “Financial Plan 2018/2023 and Council Tax Resolution 2019/2020” the document attached as a supplementary to the agenda for consideration and decision includes an updated summary of the Financial Plan 2018/2023, the County Council, the Police and Crime Commissioner - Council Tax for 2019/2020 and details of Parish Precepts and Internal Drainage Boards levies for 2019/2020.
NOTE:In accordance with Statutory Instrument 2014 No. 165, Local Government, England, The Local Authorities (Standing Orders) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2014, any decision taken on the Council’s Budget or Council Tax setting must be taken with a recorded vote
Additional documents:
Councillor Long, Leader of the Council, proposed the budget as set out in CAB122 Financial Plan 2018/2023 and the Council Tax Resolution from the Cabinet meeting on 5 February 2019. The paperwork distributed for Council was made up of an updated summary of the Financial Plan 2018/2023 to include the County Council, the Police and Crime Commissioner - Council Tax for 2019/2020 and details of Parish Precepts and Internal Drainage Boards levies for 2019/2020. This was seconded by Councillor Mrs Nockolds.
In proposing his budget Councillor Long thanked officers for the preparation of the budget, and members for the consideration of it in the Panel meetings, and Cabinet members involvement in its preparation. He drew attention to the agreed financial settlement from the Government over the previous 3 years, with this being the last year with reducing revenue support grant. The Council had maintained below inflation rises over that period.
Councillor Long drew attention to the work and the cost of the operation of the internal drainage boards across the Borough to keep the area drained, the cost equated to £58 per band D dwelling and used to be repaid via the revenue support grant, however this was no longer the case and had to be funded via the Borough Council.
The Council Tax increase being proposed was £4.50 per year, which was 9p per week, Councillor Long drew attention to the fact that if the IDB were identified individually it would mean the Borough had the lowest district level council tax in England whilst delivering the services for the Borough creating homes, cleaning streets, emptying bins, supporting leisure services and events along with keeping people safe and making West Norfolk a better place to live and work.
Councillor Moriarty as Leader of the Independent Group questioned the strategic direction of the Financial Plan and budget, but confirmed that he would be voting in favour of the recommendations.
Councillor Joyce criticised the budget for what he deemed as Victorian austerity. He drew attention to the cost of unpaid loans and rental payments for a building and commented that the Council Tax payer wanted services met or improved. He drew attention to an error in the budget which had been corrected. He questioned the decision of the Leader to vote against some proposals put forward at the County Council budget meeting. He did not support the budget.
Councillor J Collop Leader of the Labour Group commented that he was disappointed that the maximum increase was being levied.
Councillor Howman acknowledged that the revenue support grant was going in 2021 and drew attention to the changes in fees and charges for some areas.
Councillor A Tyler asked if strong representations were being made to Government to ask them to address the funding shortages across local authorities.
In summing up Councillor Long confirmed that the future funding would not be known until the fair funding and the business rate reviews had been completed. A decision would also be made on how the IDB ... view the full minutes text for item 76