Issue - meetings

Meeting: 13/11/2018 - Cabinet (Item 94)

Corn Exchange Cinema

Additional documents:


RECOMMENDED:   That the Capital programme be amended to include a scheme to Centre a 2 screen Cinema in the upper bar area of the Corn Exchange.


Reason for Decision


To improve facilities at the Corn Exchange and generate additional use whilst contributing to the Council Cost reduction programme.



Cabinet agreed to consider the report in open session, with the Appendix to the report remaining exempt under paragraph 3. 


Councillor Nockolds presented a report which proposed a capital investment in the Corn Exchange of circa £1 million to create a 2 screen cinema offer. The cinema would occupy the upper bar area, currently an under used space and create a new income stream for the Corn Exchange. In addition to the benefits for the Corn Exchange, the cinema screen would also help to support the on-going viability of the King’s Lynn Town Centre.


In discussing the proposals it was confirmed that officers had worked closely with the Majestic Cinema in order to improve the offer for King’s Lynn town centre visitors and traders alike.


The Regeneration and Development Panel had received a presentation on the proposed cinema and supported the two screen option.


RECOMMENDED:   That the Capital programme be amended to include a scheme to Centre a 2 screen Cinema in the upper bar area of the Corn Exchange.


Reason for Decision


To improve facilities at the Corn Exchange and generate additional use whilst contributing to the Council Cost reduction programme.