63 Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy PDF 81 KB
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The Senior Policy and Performance Officer presented the report which explained that the Norfolk Health and Wellbeing Board had been developing a new four year Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy to address a range of health and wellbeing issues across the County. The Senior Policy and Performance Officer drew attention to the four priorities in the strategy and explained that an implementation plan would be developed once the strategy had been agreed and the implementation plan would be presented to the Environment and Community Panel for consideration in the future.
The Chairman thanked the Senior Policy and Performance Officer for his report and invited questions and comments from the Panel, as summarised below.
Councillor Mrs Fraser referred to the Borough Health Profile, as set out in the report. She commented that it was worrying because the situation had been like this for a long time and complex issues needed to be addressed. Councillor Mrs Westrop agreed with the comments made by Councillor Mrs Fraser and suggested that a dual diagnosis service was required.
Councillor Mrs Wilkinson commented that changes to GP services had meant that at some surgeries it was difficult to speak to a GP as a new triage service was carried out by receptionists. She commented that this could have an impact on the amount of people going straight to A&E, and queried if they were adequately trained to conduct a triage. Councillor Mrs Wilkinson’s comments were reiterated by some other Members of the Panel. Comments were also raised about confidentiality and Councillor Mrs Spikings commented that people did not always want to tell the receptionists their issues as they could be sensitive.
The Portfolio Holder for Culture, Heritage and Health explained that GP services did not come under this strategy, however, she advised anyone experiencing issues with the services provided by surgeries to contact their local patient users group, especially with serious issues relating to confidentiality.
The Portfolio Holder for Culture, Heritage and Health explained that it was important to endorse the strategy so that the Borough could work with Norfolk County Council. She explained that the Strategy had been put together as Norfolk County Council acknowledged that they needed to work with local councils in order to meet targets. She explained that this was the first time that a joint strategy had been put in place and it recognised the important work that the Borough did in relation to health and wellbeing. She stated that she was pleased that the Borough had been included in Norfolk County Council’s plans and the joint working was welcomed.
RESOLVED: The Panel reviewed the draft Norfolk and Waveney Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2018/2022 and endorsed the strategy.