Issue - meetings

Meeting: 09/09/2015 - Cabinet (Item 51)


Additional documents:


The Environmental Health Manager presented a report which explained that the Council was a Category 1 responder under the Civil Contingencies Act 2004, which placed a duty on it to develop and maintain plans to ensure that if an incident occurred, the authority was able to continue to perform its critical activities and key services.


The Council’s Policy Statement on Business Continuity Management was agreed by full Council in September 2013 and had been updated to reflect the changes to the Management structure with effect from May 2015.


Whilst updating the Policy Statement, the whole document, including details of the council’s strategy and approach had been updated. 


Councillor Long commented that it would be difficult to carry out a full exercise on King’s Court and maintain the service to the public, so he felt it was good that the Plan existed and that e learning was available for staff.   He asked if a full exercise had been considered.  The Environmental Health Manager explained that table top exercises were carried out, and a recent exercise was undertaken in the new post room facilities also involving the fire service.


Councillor Beales asked if the Leisure Trust was in the same position as the Borough Council, to which it was explained that they had to make their own arrangements, but for the systems operated on their behalf by the Borough, a system had to be in place.


It was noted that the Audit Committee had supported the recommendations.


RECOMMENDED: 1) That the new version of the Business Continuity Policy Statement and Strategy be approved.


2) That delegated authority be granted to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Leader, as Portfolio Holder for Business Continuity, to make further minor changes if deemed necessary.