Decision details

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The Corporate Project Manager presented his report which updated Members on the Major Housing Development and associated projects. To date the Council had delivered the new road between Edward Benefer Way and Lynnsport that has not only provided access to the proposed housing sites, but had also created a new access route to Lynnsport, helping to relieve congestion on the roads and improve air quality in other parts of the town. It had also delivered an additional hockey pitch, 4 new tennis courts and almost doubled the number of car parking places at Lynnsport. Marsh Lane was now delivering much needed housing and 20 units had been sold, with a further 24 units where the price have been agreed and completion was merely awaiting the handover of the completed units, 20 affordable housing prices were agreed and 19 people had placed deposits for first refusal on future properties. The report considered the progress of the project and the financial impact on the project budgets to the end February 2018.


Councillor Long referred to the visit with the Housing Minister to the sites recently where Members and the Minister were pleased with the developments which were progressing well.  He wished Cabinet’s congratulations be passed to the Corporate Project Manager and his team for the work carried out on the project.


Under Standing Order 34 Councillor Joyce asked how many properties were proposed to be rented, as he considered there was a great need for rentable properties with security of tenure.   It was confirmed that should properties not be sold on the open market it was intended to rent the properties out through the West Norfolk Property Ltd and the rentable properties was to be reviewed in the near future.


Councillor Joyce also asked whether the Council considered carrying out the maintenance on communal areas for the new developments.  It was explained that the Council currently managed the open spaces, but not car parking areas or for flats as there were not sufficient resources to do so.


Cabinet commented on the development and the space around each property all of which were within walking distance to the town.  Reference was made to the good work of the Hidden Heritage and Gaywood Valley Conservation Group who had done great work in the area and encouraged people to get involved.


Under Standing Order 34, Councillor R Bird asked about progress with the Housing with Care site in Hunstanton.  An update on this situation was given to members.


RESOLVED:               1) That the progress made to date with the implementation of the Major Housing Project, the changes to the number of homes to be built and the amendments to the budget set out in the financial implications be noted.


2) That the Executive Director for Commercial Services, in consultation with Portfolio holder for Corporate Projects and Assets and the Portfolio holder for Culture, Heritage and Health be given delegated authority to be able to authorise payments to the value of £100,000 to accommodate early initiatives such as those laid out in paragraph 4.3 of the report. These works being documented in a future report to Cabinet later in the year.


Reason for Decision


To progress the Major Housing Project.


        To achieve significant delivery of sustainable housing over a 4-5 year period.

        To achieve a commercial return for the Council (through capital and revenue receipts).

        To stimulate economic activity in the local area through direct and indirect activity.

        To create apprenticeships.

        To pay for the significant enhancements to the leisure facilities and new road at Lynnsport

Publication date: 30/05/2018

Date of decision: 29/05/2018

Decided at meeting: 29/05/2018 - Cabinet

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