Decision details

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The Deputy Leader presented the report which detailed options for the development of Boal Quay.  She explained that initially it had been suggested that residential development take place, but this was now considered to be unviable.  A further option to develop the area as a gallery and public gardens had now come forward. 


The proposals were part of the original application for Future High Streets Funding and would be expanded as part of the Stage 2 application to be available in draft form by mid-November subject to Cabinet agreement.


Councillor Moriarty addressed the Cabinet under Standing Order 34.  He made reference to the Regeneration and Development Panel Meeting on 10th September 2019.  The Panel had considered the proposals and had supported the option to develop the area as a gallery and public gardens.  He made reference to the issues and comments raised by the Regeneration and Development Panel which had been included in the report.  He hoped that Cabinet would consider the issues raised by the Regeneration and Development Panel before any decisions were made.  The Leader stated that the Cabinet would take the Panel’s comments into consideration.


Councillor Pope addressed the Cabinet under Standing Order 34.  He commented that he supported the proposal but it would be crucial that monitoring was undertaken by the Major Project Board. 


The Executive Director and Leader of the Council responded to questions relating to the ownership of the land and future arrangements.


Councillor Devereux commented that he supported the gallery proposal and that monitoring would be undertaken by the Major Projects Board.  He commented that the Major Projects Board should be informed of when and what decisions were required and any break points.


Councillor Kunes made reference to the boat which was in a state of disrepair on Boal Quay.  The Assistant Director explained that there would be a cost involved to remove and dispose of it and attempts would have to be made to make contact with the owner.  Therefore the current proposal was for the boat to remain, however negotiations were ongoing and the removal of the boat could form part of the negotiation process if Cabinet decided.


Cabinet discussed the removal of the boat and felt that it was in a state of disrepair and could be dangerous.  Cabinet asked that this be removed as part of the development.


RECOMMENDED:  1) That the option to develop the site as a cultural offer be accepted which delivers the riverfront vision “King’s Lynn Riverfront becomes a vibrant river edge quarter threaded into the fabric of the existing town”.


2) That delegated authority be granted to the Executive Director Commercial Services and the Assistant Director, Property and Regeneration in consultation with the Leader and Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Culture, Heritage and Health to agree draft heads of terms and report back to Cabinet.


3) Officers to negotiate the removal of the boat from the area.


Reason for Decision:

To move significantly forward with the delivery of the vision for King’s Lynn Riverfront.

Publication date: 26/09/2019

Date of decision: 24/09/2019

Decided at meeting: 24/09/2019 - Cabinet

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