Decision details

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The Deputy Leader presented the report and informed the Cabinet that the tenders for the construction works had now been received and had been evaluated.  A report on the outcome of the tender had been distributed to Cabinet in advance of the meeting.


Councillor Morley addressed the Cabinet under Standing Order 34 and made comments relating to the results of the tender and ongoing maintenance costs.  The Executive Director provided a breakdown of the project requirements and information on the companies who had submitted a tender.


In response to a question from Councillor Gidney, it was confirmed that the roof works would be carried out in the same contract because the roof would have to be replaced and have adequate acoustic insulation. 


Councillor Gidney asked if the cinema space could be used for other things in the future such as lectures and guest speakers.  It was confirmed that it could, and the lift had also been designed so that it could service a flat floor area in the future if required.


Councillor Middleton commented that it would be important for the Council to be prudent with ongoing project costs to ensure that everything was on track and a quality product was being delivered.  He asked for assurance that the project would be delivered on time, because of programming at the Corn Exchange, and within budget.  The Executive Director explained that systems were in place to ensure that projects did not go over budget and penalties could be imposed for going over the timescale set.


The Deputy Leader informed the Cabinet that she wanted good value for money and that the public expected a high quality product, so she would be carefully monitoring the project.  The Leader stated that he would also monitor the project.


RESOLVED:Cabinet authorise the award of a contract for the main works to the cinema auditoria, and delegate authority to the Executive Director, Commercial Services and Chief Executive, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Culture, Heritage and Health, to add to that contract further works on the ground floor toilets, foyer and/or front façade, subject to funding being agreed from other existing budgets.


Reason for Decision: To ensure the cinema project is delivered and can start during the period of Corn Exchange closure from 11th January to 5th March 2020.


Publication date: 26/09/2019

Date of decision: 24/09/2019

Decided at meeting: 24/09/2019 - Cabinet

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